Please move the horde cave in AV so we can prove our point

Everyone says this is a player issue, but if you watch almost every AV it is exactly the same Alliance get choked at their own choke points because Horde have a huge starting advantage.


IDK if this is why we’re losing tbh


every game we get camped in our own starting cave, i thought the changes were from blizzards words supposed to discourage this type of behavior yet its worse than ever before


Have you tried playing AV? It’s a massive factor.


That version of AV was not in Vanilla, why should it be in Classic?

It would be better to give us an older version of AV. Honestly… that would be more vanilla :wink:


enough said, really.


They meet us at Balinda and have to fight near our ~5 LTs and commanders

I’m not seeing the advantage they have


Yeah those weak commanders that get kited to the back line and easily killed giving the horde free honor? Think man.


#No changes, onlt hotfix Alli exploits plz


Well they get kited cause people don’t see them as instruments in the battle

Isn’t it worth fighting near them and healing them? They’re like mini raid bosses lol but everyone just perches themselves on stonehearth and watches them get killed

And then people wonder why they are being pushed back to their base l

There are so many strategy problems on alliance it’s not even funny


Switch us around- give us the Horde starting point, I’m sure Horde won’t mind since there’s no imbalance.


Not just starting advantage - the distance from spawn cave to ibgy is super close compared to our spawn point and 1st gy. I rather just have them revert av to an older version though tbh.


Nope, was on the Bal entrance fighting and got no assist, those fools agro range is 0.

Nah man, the only way these guys assist is if they’re already pulled and the horde built agro. They even drop agro when you kill who they’re attacking, it’s nuts!

If horde doesn’t have a 100% win rate they flood the fourms with crys and like always blizzard fix it. Look at retail horde players can use merc mode to go alliance when they losing yet alliance can’t go horde. Classic will turn into another bs retail with the same thing


I think a lot of us have been away from the Blizzard scene so long we didn’t realize how bad it was. But yeah, if any new projects come out - at least we all learned our lesson.

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Moving the cave will not solve any of your problems. The main issue for alliance in AV is how you play it. Most of the Alliance player base, plays Classic AV as if it were retail AV. Which means you all want to zerg to the horde base as quickly as you can.
You all get wiped then try it again. That usually ends up having you all caught up in a choke point which turns into a turtle (or for the horde, a HK buffet)

From everything I have seen, its more of a L2P issue than the location on the cave.


You’re right, out of the millions of human beings that happened to pick alliance, every single one of them somehow just can’t adapt to new video game strategies and has major problems with basic functions like learning. Funny thing is, out of the millions of humans that chose to play as horde, they all happen to be tactical geniuses that can come up with infallible tactics on the fly.


That’s actually my post. It’s WRONG! It’s actually using the wrong AV map (I messed up). The horde are actually another 20% closer. Even when the cave is back they still have the advantage lol.


ahahahha god thats awful. do you have an updated image by chance?

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