Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Did you give yourself a tan by sticking your head in the microwave? Anduin is straight. Deal with it.

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Andhion. The black knight. HES INVINCIBLE! (and a loony!)

Just go to a fanfic site. I’m sure there’s plenty there to satisfy your curiousity.


It sounds like you’ve taken apart of that as I’ve never once heard or read anyone doing anything of the sort. Anduin hasn’t been established so until the writers do so, it’s safe to say anything is on the table.

Except it’s been stated in at least one WoW book he had a thing for Draenei girls.


Say what you will, but I’m not buying the sockpuppet character of Talonel.


No. YOU in your mind want to believe anything is on the table, when in reality anduin is already established. Stop. Just stop.


No one is. Last year he did this on a level 10 orc named Tulln. I mean it’s not like he’s trying to hide.

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Id say that means its been established by the writers. Case closed. Pack it up, boys. Thread over.


You know, if i was in Blizzards shoes and saw someone asking for a 21 year old to hook up with a 6 year old in the forums then the first thing i would do is to contact the FBI and tell them everything then give them the persons personal information so they can investigate them.


How about no.

  1. Christie Golden confirmed Anduin likes women on Twitter, 2. the dog-year argument does not work cause dog-years means an animal or person ages FASTER, the direct opposite is true of Elves and dragons and Draenei, they age SLOWER, so 6 years in whelps is still like infancy. Velen didn’t even have a child until the age of 30,000…

Nope. Far from it actually.


You know that even Wrathion dragon form is already not a whelp anymore, he can already influence government and people, go to war against old god, or even become a raid boss.

Stop treating him like a 6 years old human.

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That wasn’t Wrathion, that was Ki’merax the faceless one…

Also as pointed out, it is still not legal by writer confirmation…

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Yea and magic aged him into an adult.

No it allows him to LOOK like an adult, it doesn’t mean that’s his actual body… no more than Chromie is an actual Gnome, or any of the other things the dragons morph into.

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A magically aged child would still not legally be an adult.

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He is an adult, everyone in the entire world of warcraft certainly treat him like one, do you think Anduin would punch a 6 years old human in the face and everyone would be fine with it?

On one hand, that makes sense.

On the other hand, Wrathion has done a lot of other things that people don’t normally do at age 4, such as order people to kill the rest of his family, and attempt to fight the burning legion. As such, it’s pretty clear that dragons do not age as most races do, and Wrathion seems smart enough to deal with romance. Plus you know, this is fiction…?