Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

I would laugh so hard if Monkey Paw Blizzard be like “Okay, you will have your gay king, but it will also come with the same story for his heir to the throne, except he’s also gay. Enjoy!”. :laughing:

Honestly, i don’t know what kind of things characters being LGBT bring to the table that we haven’t seen in other forms before or isn’t already sort of done to death. Heck even a story of “people being intolerant” sort, like for example, some of the media depicting America being racist or sexist as crap until that protagonist or whatever starts a change by not violence or compassion or whatever.

You know black dragon is on the verge of extinction right?

Then he better hurry up and find him a nice black dragon girlfriend. He has a lot of work to do.


Nah, merge Anduin and Wrathion into a single entity, like the transporter accident that turned Tuvok and Neelix into Tuvix in Star Trek: Voyager.


they are a couple. A couple of platonic friends!

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Tuulonel never tires of it

It is the alt of a known troll that spams GD with these topics.

They are so bad that they made an alt of their toon with the same basic name but added an extra U and they say they are new. My you know what they are new.


I tried to make this character look like Anduin but there’s a limit to how close you can get with the available customization options, plus the transmog that best matches his outfit from BfA comes from warfronts which I haven’t done because I was unsubbed for BfA

The most popular WoW ship is Anduin and Wrathion, not Anduin and Sylvanas. There’s way more fanfic of the former pair than the latter.

No, but it can definitely help normalize LGBT relationship and stories. Many LGBT folk feel left out because they don’t get exposed to LGBT stories or characters if at all in most media content. The first step is to make it more common to help normalize it, something that Blizzard has the power and most recently, the people to help make it happen.

Oh hai Talonel.

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Citation please.

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It appears to be in GD. As far as the rest of the internet? I stay away from those corners.


Says it all really.


The worst part is, someone actually asked in support the legal status of this and by their own words Wrathion is still underage.

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And yet people still ship it…



One of the story seeds for the dragon isles during BFA was finding an ‘unscarred black dragon scale’ on one of the islands and they’ve said in interviews for Dragonflight part of the story will concern the rejuvenation of the black flight and whether Wrathion will become the leader or someone else. This could be Ebonhorn or there’s still Sabellian and other black dragons still in Outland that could be brought back. Netherwing dragons are mutated black dragons. They pulled Ebonhorn out of thin air so having some females pop up would be easy. There’s no rejuvenating a dragon flight without lady dragons to lay eggs for said flight.


Im sorry to tell you this but black dragon girlfriend doesn’t exists, they’re mostly dead. And even if they did, Wrathion is with Anduin.


No. Go troll somewhere else.

I recommend you look up the definition of the word troll. Asking for anduin and wrathion couple as well as more LGBT representation is no where near that definition. Please sit down somewhere else.

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