Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Stop trying to justify creepy stuff like this. It’s disgusting and disturbing.

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He is confirmed as not, there really isn’t arguing with what the writers state on the matter.

Actually yes, he is king after all. Also medeival fictional societies tend to not have 21st century discipline laws.


It’s creepy because you look at it with the lens of a human, an American human at that.
You probably would consider gay marriage creepy 10 years ago, doesn’t mean it’s true.

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I’m pretty sure most countries have an age of consent, even if it’s really low like Japan’s…

Sorry, anduin is chasing Sylvanas:

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Wow you actually caught up to the concept, thing you’d consider weird isn’t actually weird to other people.

Also age of consent in this world only apply to human, and there’s no dragon roaming around here.

That comment is actually disturbing


Not really, there are several entities in WoW whom are sentient, dragons included. And we see several offenses of a sexual nature take place among dragons: forced consort status and abuse (Karistrasza and Malygos), rape (Deathwing to Alextrassza and others) etc. So the same laws apply, even to dragons.

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No i don’t. I have always supported the LGBT+ community. I have NEVER been against gay marriage.

No, i’m looking at it as someone that considers themself a decent human being with morals and not someone who sees CHILDREN as romantic interests.


I will say it again. A 19-year-old boy should not be having a relationship with a 6 year old dragon.


Seriously, implying gay marriage is anywhere near pedophilia is … a really bad take.


What does this have to do with anything? Are you reading what you’re writing? You’re making a lot of assumptions for no reason.

Im not talking about WOW in that post.

There are no dragon in real world, stop using real world rules in a fantasy game.

You know what Anduin and everyone would do in MOP if they treat Wrathion like a 4 years old? They’d ask him where are his parents, nobody would ever take him seriously.

They don’t ask because they know Black dragons are largely extinct, or at least this is what is thought.

What rules would you like to use? I have outlined WoW’s general rules of what is acceptable and what is not, and they largely coincide with HUMAN IRL rules, even in dragons.


That logic doesn’t work. The reason we, as humans, shun the idea of a relationship between someone that age with anyone is because of the rate at which a human mature (both physically and mentally).

You can’t judge the relationship between a dragon and a human in World of Warcraft the same because the rate at which a dragon matures is significantly different to a human. By the age of 4, Wrathion’s intelligence is on a level above at least the average adult human. His maturity is arguably on the level of a young adult (17 - 19). And physically, his human form is similar to a young adult as well.

With all of that taken into account, Wrathion and Anduin are pretty much on the same level. The only criticism I could accept would be that they are two different species. But with that said, they are both sentient and intelligent species. But that is another debate.


It’s been decided, by the writers and CS no less, this is REALLY starting to cross into dangerous territory…


I think it’s time to put this disturbing mess on mute and move on to something that doesn’t make me want to take a scalding hot shower and scrape all the skin off of my body to try and get clean.


Did you not read my reply? I know the age of the dragon is young by human numbers, but you do know that this is a dragon? There’s a difference. That’s the entire point of my reply but it seemed to fly right above your head.

It didn’t “fly above my head”, you are plain wrong. it is confirmed by CS that Wrathion is still young enough by dragon standards not to be legal status… again, in entities that age in reverse dog-years they DO reach certain points of maturity slower.

This is why Night Elves didn’t overrun Teldrassil or Ashenvale or the Draenei Argus/Draenor, or dragons in general Azeroth, because the ridiculously prolonged lifespan also means a much later age of maturity for reproduction if any.


I find it rather disturbing that CS had to clarify this in the first place.