Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Well as someone who is actually an LGBT+ person I’m telling you a thread for this already exists and this thread didn’t need to exist.

[quote=“Tuullnn-proudmoore, post:104, topic:1227022, full:true”]
Sadly, it seems lgbt talk of any kind in this forum gets treated the worst. [/quote]

When you and your best buddy Tal post spam-troll the forums like this one you actively do harm to the LGBT+ community here. Your trolling it paint actual LGBT+ wow players as making unreasonable asks.

The more you post this nonsense the more members of the community you galvanize against LGBT+ people with your nonsense. This gets us harassed, just as you intend.

You need to stop.

Then go play Final Fantasy. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

I agree. Blizzard could help the LGBT+ players of this game the best by removing threads made to galvanize people against us and the people who post them. Permanently.


To be fair, he is a child in dragon years…

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Why are you putting so much energy into trying to tell me my opinion is wrong and I shouldn’t post feedback? I dont know who you are but I’d very much appreciate if you’d stop.

20 post count. Low level alt. It just adds up.

Tulnn… are you alright upstairs?.. :brain:

I’m asking because, you seem to believe he’s telling you ‘your opinion is wrong’ when he’s actually telling you that you’re being a hateful person inciting hatred against LGBT. What he said wasn’t complicated at all. :point_down:

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Not to mention if you remove a U and an L from the name it matches up with a orc trolling the forums with the same shtick several months ago.

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Of course! People should be happy as much as possible.

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nuff said i think

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OP, you might not be aware of this fact, Wrathion is around 6- 7 years old and Anduin is around 19 - 20. The last thing Blizzard needs is to further ruin their reputation by having an adult have such a relationship with a child, even if it is in a video game.

If it does not put an end to this discussion in your eyes, then you might want to seek professional help (I’m serious).


This argument falls on deaf ears amongst the Wranduin shippers because “dragon” or some such nonsense.

:woman_shrugging: the truth often falls on deaf ears. It doesn’t make it less true. It doesn’t matter if it is in dragon years. He is still just a kid and I seriously doubt Blizzard would further ruin their reputation by having an adult/child relationship in their video game.

And I’m serious when I say that the people who have this warped fetish should seek professional help.

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I’m pretty sure the people doing this are Alt Right Trumpers who are legitimately trying to stir the pot of hate against the LGBT+ community because evil people have to do evil things. It’s how they get their jollies.

That’s why they do it.

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Honestly part of the reason Anduin is taking a break during Dragonflight (other than the voice actor probably wanting some time off because real life and all that) is probably so they can quietly kill the stupid Wranduin 'Crackship once and for all. Wrathion will find himself a nice black dragon girlfriend and will accept responsibility for rejuvenating his now uncorrupted flight, and then when Turalyon goes ax-crazy next expansion Anduin will have a nice return of the king moment and help us take him out to reclaim his throne and Tess or more likely Taelia will become his canon love interest.





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Wrathion and Anduin could adopt if need be. In fact, I’d hope to see something like this because I’m tired of watching the traditional story of kings offspring becoming the heir to throne. I want something new and exciting. Make it happen Blizz!

He won’t see anything because he is missing his head

Truly oppressed individuals would not have their lives improved just because a group of pixels likes a different grouping of pixels. This is low-tier bait and engaging with it further is a hazard to my sanity.


I would prefer Anduin to legitimately continue his bloodline. So I say pick someone else.


Exactly. Which makes this whole thing be eww.

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