Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

According to WoWhead about Sexuality

…Yes it exists…

No, he just want you banned because you’re a pretty hateful person for trying to incite hatred against LGBT+, while disingenuous trying to get things under the guise of LGBT+… while not respecting the artist’s decision to have Anduin and Wrathion just be friends, and Anduin considering female dwarves and draenei attractive…

How’s him saying “i don’t care” is hateful?.. Hell, how’s saying “i hope they get whatever help they need” is hateful???..

Wh-?.. Do gender dysphoria do not exist in your world? Have you never heard of it?.. :man_facepalming:

How can one be for the LGBT+ and standing up for the LGBT+… not know about that?..


What if OP is big homophobe in reality…


I’m participating in the way Blizzard pointed me to which is the forums for my feedback. Sadly, it seems lgbt talk of any kind in this forum gets treated the worst. FFXIV is very different in this regard and their community is always nice when it comes to lgbt issues and topics. I wish Blizzard would do something about it.

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That would be the best motivation to act the way he/she is acting.


I hope instead of letting this thread sit around for the next 900 replies of people just arguing that they have some respect and delete these garbage troll threads.


That’s funny and pretty ironic.

In this thread alone you have called me,

And tried to imply I am a bigot.

Yet I haven’t insulted you once.

All because I disagree with you.


I wouldn’t be too surprised tbh if them labeling people homophobes is a way to cover up their own homophobic behavior. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also, i’ve found out this fun fact about goblins. :point_down:

According to Gaxim Rustfizzle, goblins seem to reproduce like rabbits.[1]

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You know, i honestly thought he meant “backwards”, but then i’ve decided to google that term… And it’s an American cigarette. I think he’s calling you an American cigarette.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm… what does that remind me of? Give me a second while i scratch my chin and contemplate under the tree of whoa. :thinking:

It’s implying a bunch of nasty things like “West Virginian” and stuff like that.

It’s 100% an insult.

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Now I know you’re trolling.



if its the same elf i know, he’s a known troll who both posted for and against LGBTQ+ groups.
so i hear anyway.

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A thread asking for Anduin and Wrathion to be a couple is not inciting hatred against LGBT members. I think this could make for a great story and I hope Blizzard can see that as well.

Why are some players so obsessed with non-player characters and their personal lives in a video game about magic and dragons…


maybe because its a blonde young kid and they wanna pin em on a corpse or a dragon whose addicted too being punched in the face?

but in general, no idea, some folks are crazy, or just think it’s fun shipping characters.
some are just crazy about it too…

Personally, I won’t be satisfied until the whole world is gay. All gay, all the time, everywhere.

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didnt know you wanted everyone to be happy :slight_smile:

No… just stop

Personally I just want more lgbt diversity in the game. Lots of young adults and oppressed individuals that I think would be grateful to see famous IP’s and characters have lgbt backgrounds. We see plenty of heterosexual relationships in our media, but not nearly enough of the other side. Just my opinion that I know I’ll get attacked for on these forums.

All of this and more.

I dont disagree. But Anduin has been established to like Draenei girls wiggle. And Wrathion, we dont even know if he HAS a sex drive.


It actually is because you seem to think people choose to be gay or straight (or let alone think Gender dysphoria exists), which i would bet your LGBT+ peers be disgusted by you thinking that.

And i don’t believe you want a better story here. Considering you’re here to disrespect the artist’s vision. And it would no different if you asked any of the gay straights that were already established to be gay prior expansions to turn straight. This “i just want better story” is an excuse… And it often goes unexplained on how LGBT characters by simply the virtue of being there, make a story better. Let alone straight people.

If anything, it tells more about your bigoted views then anybody else’s that you think LGBT people are better then anybody else, simply because they are LGBT and therefore, should never be questioned why, and want to be treated as something special instead of… normalizing them. Which many of the LGBT+ and even non LGBT+ would rather want.

You are actively going out of your way to make them abnormal and be unequal as you possibly can, any more so then any bigot can, and hence why you’re a hateful person Tulnn.

Even people who are actually LGBT hate people like you and Talonel inciting hatred to LGBT that only furthers the division.

Also, Wrathion is a child in dragon years…

Couldn’t have said this better myself Zandrae. :+1:

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