Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Flagged for trolling. I’m tired of this kind of threads.

It has been said already that Anduin likes female draenei (who doesn’t lol?).

We already have two new characters in Ardenweald which had a story that made sense. Requesting to change old characters just to fit your agenda is silly, stop.


I was mostly joking with my response, but I’m afraid I’d have to disagree.
While Anduin adopting an inheritor to the throne could indeed be a sweet story, whether it be in a homosexual, heterosexual, multi-racial or no relationship, I cannot see how it would make for a good story having Wrathion adopt children and basically dooming the black dragonflight to go extinct.

Basically any other character in the franchise would be a better choice to lock into a non-reproductive relationship, sorry!

Me, I’m not a furry.

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uh huh. But you have a problem with anduin and wrathion becoming a couple because of “political reasons”. What kind of backwoods thinking is this. Clearly the WoW forums need a good scrubbing. I’m going to assume you saw the transgender WoW developer on the announcement and immediately thought it was political?

Imagine hurting and getting people to hate LGBT community even more by asking representation through demanding advocation of a nonexistent relationship…


No reason to be worried, the writing team is very talented and can make a great story with inclusion and diversity.

You are not fooling anyone with a slight variant upon your name Tulnn,


Just a question that should entertain all the masses. When you get a vacation do they still increase in length? I know you were gone for a few months last time, wondering how long the next will be?

Also do you think that changing the story fixes anything in society? I know I have gone over all this before with you when you wanted bars for LGTBQ only. You are not turned away from anything based on your sexual preferences in WoW.

Here’s my big one, since you are an advocate (snickers) and all. Why aren’t you advocating for a new leader who is LGTBQ rather than try to retcon an existing one? Angering the masses so you can label them?


Looking forward for the HD cinematic where Wrathion proudly announces that the black dragonflight ends with him.

I’m not saying that people choose to be gay. I’m just saying that trying to make established characters gay is an issue.

I think the vast majority of people didn’t have an issue with Pelagos or the two characters In nightfae campaign.


I agree with that. I’m just saying, this issue you’re talking about, head runs into that issue i’m talking about. It goes sort of hand to hand.

This isn’t even going to the potential story problems that has if one of the characters suddenly went from Straight to Gay, or vice versa.

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Yes because making Anduin and Wrathion gay would 100% be political as they are already established characters. It’s no different than trying to make Spider-Man gay.

It’s not backwoods at all. Grats on becoming a hypocrite though.

Yes. The sooner you get banned the better.

Nope. Just as you’re assumptions about me are wrong you’re wrong on this. I don’t care if people are transgender. I hope they get whatever help they need.


then he may fish.

Gotcha. I just wanted to clarify in case there was a possible misunderstanding because I wasn’t sure if you were in agreement with me or not lol.


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GD never appreciated Ralph

So we got Talonel

Talonel is our penance


I disagree. Anduin and Wrathion haven’t been established enough to claim what they identify as.

You want me banned because I’d like to see a relationship between two major characters?

Hateful comment on transgender people. Get whatever help they need? Are you implying they need help because they are transgender? Big yikes.

Maybe if you participated in the proper place for this conversation instead of spamming and trolling you wouldn’t be called a troll.


That’s your opinion but they have been in the game over two expansions so you’re wrong.

Nope. I want you banned for trying to paint me as a hateful person

My views on transgender people aside, that’s not a hateful comment at all. Yes they need to get whatever help they need to live a happy life considering they have an xyz rate of 42%.


No. Take take that filthy lifestyle choice out of here.