Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple


Just a couple of dude’s bein’ guys.

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I’ve always wondered how Anduin and Wrathion could become parents. I was thinking they could adopt and make their adopted son the next king of stormwind. We need more fresh ideas and approaches going 15 years of the same king and story. We need more progressive and fresh ideas :blush: :rainbow_flag:

One might even call them bros.

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Magic can make anything possible :slight_smile:

LMAO, just no

Stop trying to gay all the things please.


Could you explain what you mean by this?

No let’s not.


No we actually don’t.


If you’re new then you don’t know that Wrathion and Anduin have a history from 10 years ago. Busted.


Fish :fishing_pole_and_fish: ing

Can you explain why we don’t? Lots of naysayers on here but no reason to say something like this outside of promoting hateful ideologies.

I’m fine with them being romantically involved, but both of them will need women on the side as well.

Wrathion needs to beed a new generation of black dragons, and likewise Anduin needs to ensure the continuity of the Wrynn bloodline.

Not every character needs to be gay. I don’t hate anyone so my thoughts aren’t from a hateful ideology.

However once you start asking for established straight characters to be gay there is an issue.

Not to mention I play this game to get away from political bs.


I thought I had this dude ignored forever. OH well, easily rectified.

I’d much rather see Blizzard have them adopt if they do become a couple and have their adopted son become the new king. That sounds like a fantastic story and much more entertaining than a traditional offspring to king story.

Anduin and Wrathion be a couple in future stories = making every character lgbt?

It’s never been established, so please don’t spread lies.

There’s nothing political about lgbt relationships. You just like to make it political because it does not suit your world views, sadly.

It makes zero sense for either character to be gay considering they haven’t been gay.

Once you start taking characters that have been around and trying to make them gay there is an issue.

Actually Anduin and Jaina… but sure.

Never said there was. I said trying to make major characters gay and hurting the storyline of the game is political.

You don’t even know me so I’m going to stop you right there. I don’t have a problem with people who are gay. I didn’t care about the two gay characters that are in the nightfae campaign nor do I care that Pelagius is trans and now the arbiter.

I care about people trying to change characters that have never shown any signs of being gay gay “just because”.


Yeah, you would think OP know better that there’s no such thing as “choosing to be gay”…