Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

As he cackles maniacally at his cleverness.




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Says a lot when your troll game is worse than Ralph’s.

It would simply be blizzard establishing relationships through future story and content. Blizzard can make a great game with great lgbt characters and establish relationships. How can anyone not want that?


They’ve already got that. In terms of couples - They have the wild-gods couple in Ardenweald, along with Mathias Shaw & Flynn Fairwind.

Yeah, seeing that comment now - Pretty sure it’s either a troll poster trying actively fish out hatred, or someone who creates issues & offenses out of thin air then fans the flames.


The comments from viewers were very disgusting and shows
Just how hateful the community is towards lgbt and minority people. That’s why I think it’s important for blizzard not to listen to those type of hateful individuals and to do the exact opposite.

It is, Tuln and Talonel are notorious trolls that use LGBT topics to fish for attention.

They’re the reason the LGBT megathread exists.


Although I was once on board and totes team Wrath-duin – a fellow WoW person brought up how Wrathion is actually still a child although he takes the form of an adult humanoid. It would be putting an under-age child with an adult.
Since that knowledge, I don’t feel right in hoping for it.


I looked through the comments, and saw no such thing. Whatever video you’re talking about, it’s not the new expansion one. That or they’ve been removed by youtube for violating the social codes of conduct.

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And you’ve certainly done your part to keep it that way, haven’t you?

I genuinely hope that you just decided this topic was the easiest way to get clicks and angry comments, and that you don’t do this to deliberately turn people against the LGBT community.

The first would just be pathetic, but the latter would be legitimately evil.


They may have been deleted (rightly so), maybe check the twitch stream and see how hateful the chat got the moment a a member of LGBT came on. It was disgusting behavior.



If you’re brand new to the game…how would you even know about Wrathion? That was 5 x-pacs ago.


There’s an LGBT+ megathread to talk about stuff like this specifically because people kept making LGBT+ troll threads to encourage more harassment and hatred towards LGBT+ players by making it look like we have crazy asks.

The OP’s name is one “u” and “l” away from the name of one of the trolls that promoted that thread’s creation. That’s eerily similar a wee bit suspicious.

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I’d love to see them have little whelps!

I don’t appreciate

I don’t appreciate comments like this. It’s never okay to try and shun your fellow community just trying to make a positive change. Really disappointed in some of these responses. Clearly not a friendly or welcoming community in these parts.

We’ve already “shipped” Anduin and Sylvanas.

Aren’t the trolls tired of creating topics like these…

What happens when he becomes a master at making bait?