Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

They already have. There’s gay couple in BFA, Shadowlands, trans character, and probably few more in Dragonflight.
LGBT got plenty of representation as is.

So no. Anduin and Sylvanas are the ship.

You’re gonna level fishing on that hunter? You already got good bait. Anduin is super straight. The super straight community has already shipped him with y’rel.


My vote is first Wrathion, then Genn’s daughter.

'Cause heirs!

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I don’t know, it could also be Aviale (?) or Humanbeak…


He could of been king of the Alliance, but he decided to pass, just to stay with her. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Well, then he needs to raise that skill higher because he won’t get many bites with it at 1.

I was very disappointed the cinematic reveal didn’t include a scene of Anduin and Wrathion making out. It’s still early, though. Maybe they’re saving it for the final Dragonflight raid cinematic.

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Exactly. Make it happen!

What’s with your name? You’re not Wrathion’s bf, Anduin is.

They aren’t in a relationship just because you saw fan art.


You forgot to say sylvanas instead of wrathion. It’s an easy mistake it’s not like sylvanas has been the focus for years and now her and anduin are all love struck. Poor nathanos he will be found in the Maw and see is waifu all kissy faced with a human.

I’d love to see it. Relationships are such an important part of the game. There should be more and I hope there comes a time more lgbt characters and relationships are established.

I’m glad blizzard is exploring and trying to promote minorities and oppressed groups. Anduin and wrathion would be such a cute couple. Now is such a good time to show that lgbt characters and relationships can exists and thrive in big titles like WoW.

please kill anduin off, that’s the best option


THank you I was thinking the same exact thing

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Honestly, many of us kind of enjoy it more as a semi-romantic bromance, unannounced-kind-of-ordeal.

It’s much more fun that way, both for memes, and story. :grin:

I see, well it is nice to create your own vision of how you see a relationship. But with recent transphobic comments, and anti lgbt language used throughout the expansion reveal and on these forums, I think it’s be best for blizzard to spotlight the issue and start making it more common for lgbt characters and stories so more people become accustomed and accept it’s normal. Clearly it’s needed!

I will say this

Ralph > Talonel

Talonel has gotten very boring now…


That’s because he’s a one trick pony. Ralph had some depth.


Heck he can’t even get original with his alt names .

"Hey I will make a new alt with a name like my old alt and I will add an extra U and no one will be the wiser "


That’s a terrible reason to do it though, it’d just be a copout / token push-together. No one wants that.