Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

The thing is though. We don’t need another Anduin / Wrathion thread every single week. It is getting to the point that it is basically spamming the forums.

Really Anduin was super close to Baine first, and they kept giving each other that mace back and forth, “fearbreaker” . Thats some pretty obvious subtext!

Plus they both have dead dads and were handed kingdoms to run at a young age, AND they’re around the same age so it doesn’t make Anduin a predator!

There is in fact a dialogue in the Operation shieldwall quest chain that confirms Anduin is into Dwarf women:

mentions she and Anduin are dating behind her fiancee’s back during one of the transports.

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Didn’t Anduin once punch Wraithion in the face?

To be fair, who wouldn’t?

He did during BFA. One of my favorite cinematics in the game.

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Is the least played race and class combo still female dwarf rogue in Shadowlands? Or has that changed since I’ve been gone?

We all know the straight male gamer population can’t handle thicc pixels so they go for the hourglass as usual.

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Kul’tiran or Mechagnome I think?

how about NO.


find a new subject to troll with.

They did, now it’s player housing XD…

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Your claim is that you spend too much time on wattpad and fanfiction websites.

The next thing they’ll complain about is how anduin x wrathion should’ve been canon.

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You make it seem like this is a bad thing. This comes off as a tad bit homophobic.

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please stop trying to sexualize my game.


It sounds more like you misconstrued people’s posts and assume any bit of heterosexual inclination is homophobic/transphobic. This comes off as a tad bit of aggressive.

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No I read it the way you wrote it. It came off as being just that.

I’ve a Kultiran female MM hunter

Why is having an lgbt relationship “sexual” to you? characters can exist and have a relationship without the need to show “sex”? None are advocating to see character do dirty stuff in game, we just want to see more relationships including lgbt between characters.

Form your dwarf hunter from another thread . (don’t say it’s not you because no one here is that stupid )

Just because some one doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them homophobic or transphobic .

Well unless you are a believer in one rule for me another rule for thee.