Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

You literally said “enjoy your ban, post once more and it could be a week ban”.

It doesn’t matter tho, you’re already reported.

That’s not even what I posted:

Yea that’s exactly what you’re implying, you’re telling me to stop otherwise it might be a week silence.

It’s already flagged.

Again, I never actually claimed to be a mod now did I? However it’s obvious to anyone from your numerous infractions here, as well as now falsely accusing someone of claiming to be a mod and false reporting them, that you’re probably not getting off scottsfree?

Lol I’ve literally never seen this in any wow media, source?
Also you do realise bisexuals exist right?

IDK dude, you’re blackmailing to silence me will prob get you in trouble.

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I’m not blackmailing you, I’m asking you to stop breaking forum regulations left and right, really reaching now…

I have no idea what you’re even talking about. Good day.

Why don’t you stop breaking forum regulations left and right?

That’s not original or clever, you’re really really pushing here aren’t you?

It’s sad but this is very true. I hope Blizzard is able to use this forum to weed out those who are being homophobic/transphobic. It’s a honeypot full of them that need to be addressed asap.

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I never imply it’s original or clever, why are you acting like this?

I like how you didn’t answer the question. What makes you qualified to say that they should be together?

Also nice to know that you ignored where I mentioned an example of Anduins interest in women. It was in Before the Storm. Anduin goes undercover as a peasant and tries to flirt with a barmaid in Goldshire.

Yes I am aware. But so far there is nothing to suggest that Anduin is Bi. Just because he played a Pandaren board game with Wrathion during MoP does not mean they are an item.

Truth be told? I like weeding out terrible people, it’s both fun and enlightening…

Personally I just love a good debate, the other person exploding is just the cherry on top.

(also don’t think I didn’t notice where you removed the insult, both the original version and my quote are still there to be seen by Blizzard)

Because I’m Bi, I have gaydar. You do not.
Also he was undercover, it was part of the ruse lol. He’s literally never shown any interest in women in his regular life.

Also today I learned apparently couples don’t play board games together? Okay then bro.

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I’ve asked for definitive proof of Anduin liking any women and I’ve always been met with silence of a passage in text when he was 13 years old saying he found a draenei woman elegant. That’s not confirmation of anything outside him thinking draenei woman are fascinating (which let’s be honest they are).

Safe to say it’s not been established.

oh sorry. I thought you meant qualifications such as being on the lore team. Hence why I asked the same question you asked. Also you are making a lot of assumptions about my sexuality aren’t you? So someone must be in favour of Anduin X Wrathion to be gay now? O.o

That requires them to be a couple in the first place. Which they are not. Weird how you resort to putting words into people’s mouths to try and make yourself look “right”.

Right… keep living in denial. For someone who claimed to not know about that, you sure do jump to conclusions when presented with it.

Would you say the same thing if he flirted with a guy while undercover? Or would you claim that it is evidence of him being gay?

People really need to stop it with their Anduin /Wrathion NAMBLA fanfic fantasies

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There is no passage in Before the Storm that can even come close to countering the homoerotic subtext of the passage from War Crimes where Wrathion offers to give Anduin a ride when he’s older

How about this better scenario

Anduin and Genn and as for Wrathion and Alexstrasa now those 2 would be awesome.