Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Where’s the CS post? Give me the post, ticket ID.

I cannot do that, and if you ask me to break forum regulations again you WILL be reported… open your own ticket, that is the ethical solution.

So you don’t have it?

Why would I have someone else’s ticket? You’re 200 posts back again, now please stop going in circles and disprove the claim or don’t. You are getting nowhere except a ban fast…

If some guy from the Overwatch team said this, then he does not know his WoW lore and should probably stick to Overwatch. Wrathion is 6-7 years old. WoW developers put this whole thing to rest long ago. He was two years old when we first met him in MoP.


Exactly, you don’t have a proof, and you said it’s been confirmed with literally 0 proof.

Just stop confirming something that you can’t actually confirm. <<<<<<<

You will carry on with them all night, just stop. You are talking to the same person on multiple toons. You are feeding them and keeping this post alive. Honest to Bob, they will go on forever, I fell for it like a year ago.

Learn from me, let it die. The last word means nothing.

Fair point, they’re not exactly going anywhere…

BYE! Good luck with the circular logic problem, I refuse to further argue with someone who figuratively wanders in circles…

Yeah we’re stuck in circle because you use a fallacy and “trust me bro” as your source.

Let this be a lesson for you next time, stop debunking/confirming something when you have 0 proof for it.

You’re welcome.

Welcome to bans-ville…

Awwwh Did it hurt you? Want me to say sorry? If you say please i might consider it.

Prove it!?!!!

Hahaha sorry I had to….IM SORRY!

Not how that works, enjoy the looooong vacation, shoulda thought of that BEFORE violating the CoC multiple times…

Yeah im sure you know how that works.

Not really no, shouldn’t you cut your losses? If you stop now it might be a week silence…

Why are you pretending to hand me a forum vacation? Are you pretending to be a mod? You’re already reported btw.

Reported for what? Being insulted and talked down to for half a thread? Good luck with that…

Are you?

Anduin has been shown in various media to be interested in women. Mainly certain novels like in Before the Storm. I mean his frienemy relationship with Wrathion is like the only relationship he has with someone around his same “age” (Dragons mature faster than humans. I mean Awbee went from a whelp in Vanilla to a fully grown Dragon in WoD). Why are people so desperate to ship them together? Why can’t two males just be friends?

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Pretending to be a mod.

Never insulted you, saying you have 0 proof isn’t an insult.

I never said I was, I told you you’d probably receive a forum vacation considering your numerous violations of the CoC. That should be obvious to anyone who has read the thing…

I could pull up dozens of posts here where you’ve insulted me, denial is not your friend here…