Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Then CS is the direct source, congrats on figuring that out…

Where’s the CS post?

Eddy from Overwatch team said the opposite.

I’ve told you why for several reasons including ethical ones I cannot divulge their CS or mine if I were to ask, yet you insist on ignoring that as well instead of… I dunno… asking CS yourself?

Yea that mean you can’t prove it, and it’s fine, it just mean you don’t have a proof.

Nor have you disproven it…

I don’t have to, there is no proof, what am i suppose to disprove.

What you’re talking about is a fallacy.

Yes you do, you’ve been given a source (and don’t try to say it’s the panda), one you REFUSE to check, therefore the burden of disproof is on you…

And your souce isn’t verifiable, it’s literally what a random panda poster said.

Post me the proof, and i’ll disprove it.

You see how circular your logic is? It comes full circle and goes NOWHERE.

It is circular because you have no proof. See how the fault is on your side?

Who came up with the confirmation? Not me. Get it?

You still have the ability to prove or disprove the claim, yet you refuse…

Why should i disprove a “trust me bro” post?

Why don’t you prove it?

I’ve told you why (in fact I’ve told you why 2-3 times now), it’s against the forum regulations…

I just scrolled a reply chain spanning over half the thread. Jesus christ one of y’all needs to just quit replying.


Then that mean you can’t prove it.

And it’s fine, you don’t have a proof, and people don’t believe you for it.

That’s what normal people do.

I can’t prove it, you can however, and refuse.

Normal people don’t deny things over and over and over, including their own behavior… which you have done repeatedly in this thread.

Of course i refuse, why should i bear the burden of proving your false claim.

It’s actually unreal how you can’t see how stupid your request is.

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You’re CLAIMING it’s false, alright, care to prove your claim that it “is” false?

It’s not, you are now the one making the claim that the source (CS) is false, without ever proving it…

It is false because the source is a random nobody who claim to speak with CS.


Nope, you’ve neither proven nor disproven that they HAVE or HAVE NOT talked to CS… burden of proof…