Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

You can in fact,

So the CS isn’t valid for you? Again, and again, and again… we come full circle.

Nah, your source is a panda that claimed they speak to the CS.

Please get it right.

If you want to confirm/debunk something, you can’t use “He said she said”.

Do you understand what an indirect source is?

Yeah it’s called “He said she said”.

Okay, well you can literally contact the direct source, I have given that to you, you refuse to validate the source of your own volition, so why continue to argue if you CAN’T or WON’T disprove the given source?

Why? I already said the burden of proof is on you.

Why should i do your work dude, it doesn’t work that way, you made the claim, you should be the one who come with a proof.

If you don’t have a proof, just don’t come with a claim aka just shut.

Now that just hurts to read…

I made the claim AND gave a direct source for my claim, therefore it is up to YOU to validate the source yes?

It hurts because you’re just being unreasonable.

Why should i be the one who prove your claim LMAO.

Because you are the one who the claim and source is addressed to? Does a teacher make the student validate a source in an assignment after it’s been turned in? No? Of course not, they check it THEMSELVES.

Bro are you okay?

First off, assuming my gender, second…

yeah I’m fine, I’m not the one claiming to be a genius and master of the written word in broken illegible English…

You clearly aren’t.

I did check your panda source, they’re not verifiable, they’re just a random forum poster.

So you’re WROOOONG, lol.

Says the person projecting… and whom I also suspect possibly has narcissistic personality disorder.

Again, that’s not the source and you know it, the ONLY reason you’d be this afraid to contact CS is because A) it might prove you wrong and B) you probably DON’T want them aware of how you’ve behaved in this thread…

Where’s the source then?

I have told you over and over again what the source is, by this point, I refuse to reiterate it a 30th something time or more…

Just say where is it.

Check half my posts in this thread, by this point you’re just going in a circular logic loop of denial.

Which one?

Just throw a few pebbles, you’re bound to hit 2 or 3 where I’ve stated the source as CS. As well as a few dozen of your own refusing to check with CS. Goodbye, this logical loop is pointless…

Yeah i didn’t find it, the only thing i found is someone claiming to speak with the CS.