Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Im just using your own quote against you.
Funny how it’s super effective against you huh?

I mean, at least I’m “communicating” in English.

Not really no, in fact now the burden of proof is doubly on you to prove YOUR source XD.

Dude needs help, otherwise he could get scammed by “Uncle at Nintendo” or “Prince in Saudi”.

He really need to learn to question his source.

Sir or ma’am, you have half a thread of 300 something posts in broken English babbling about what a big brain you are… am I REALLY the one who needs help here?

You keep pointing out that im insulting you, even when im just reusing your quote.

If you think it’s an insult, you’re just being self-aware dude.

I think calling me dumb is an insult, especially from someone whose “communication” has devolved more and more as this thread goes on, you are quite frankly the definition of irony incarnate right now… it is YOU who seemingly lacks self-awareness, in that you cannot see the hypocrisy in your words and actions.

I only said you need help and im smarter than you, i even said it’s not a feat.

You used a post from a random panda on the forum as your confirmation source, everyone with more than room temp iq will dismiss your source.

Again, that’s an insult, as well as verifiably probably not true by this point if your post history in this thread alone is any indicator.

I stated my source as Blizzard’s CS, you then refused to follow through on checking the stated source. Again, the ball of burden of proof is in YOUR court, why do you in your arrogance refuse to serve it?

Here are the ships on the fanfic site Archive Of Our Own with the most fanfics written about them

Wrathion/Anduin Wrynn (679)
Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner (617)
Flynn Fairwind/Mathias Shaw (531)
Maiev Shadowsong/Illidan Stormrage (196)
Khadgar/Anduin Lothar (148)
Khadgar/Medivh (Warcraft) (136)
Original Character(s)/Original Character(s) (130)
Koltira Deathweaver/Thassarian (104)
Nathanos Blightcaller/Sylvanas Windrunner (95)
Female Night Elf | Elves/Male Worgen (Warcraft) (84)

There are more Anduin x Wrathion fanfics than there are fanfics of any other ship


Not really, pointing out your source is a random panda, and the concept of burden of proof isn’t an insult.

Imagine if the whole forum filled with people like you, confirming and debunking post based on other random posters, it would be a chaos, “he said they said” isn’t a valid proof.

Ma’am or sir, people can see your posts, this IS a public forum… stop trying to deny your own behavior, it is NOT benefitting you at all.

You can check the proof yourself, you refuse… furthermore you CONFIRMED you would not believe CS the source if I presented it, you have zero grounds for a debate here…

I did, your proof is a random panda poster, and its unverifiable and wrong.

So you’re wrong and it’s not been “confirmed”.

That’s literally the conclusion.

WRONG, I told you my source was CS, why do you keep denying that?

You also: refuse to verify the source, refuse to let ME verify with the source, etc.

Where is the CS post?

Are you qualified to say whether or not a character is gay? Or are you just a homophobe who doesn’t want to see anything other than straight relationships?

I cannot supply someone else’s CS post, however if you would like to take it up with CS, per the ToS/CoC this is the ONLY acceptable way to present a CS post on a disciplinary issue, which as I pointed out the original post linked WAS.

You can verify for yourself, and only yourself, per the rules of the forums. Not that it matters much, you’ve already broken a half a dozen rules anyways…

Yeah so it’s “Trust me bro” isn’t it?

Not really, as pointed out a dozen times, YOU can verify. It’s not a “Trust me bro”, because there IS an accessible source, one you could by the CoC access, I’m not gonna break forum code just cause you seem to have no care to.

Glad to see Jaina x Sylv are a close runner up to Wrath x Anduin. I’ve got a few Jaina x Sylv fanfics posted on there, nothing fancy just some domestic fluff.

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I did, the source that you presented isn’t valid, and you can’t ask someone that you’re trying to prove, to prove it.