Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

You told me not to, so what would be the point?

I happen to agree with you. Just the thought of such a relationship if Blizzard did so would be enough to make me abandon Blizzard in all franchises. I play several games they put out.

I never did, wow you really have issue dude.

I think you’re reading what isn’t there.

You said and I quote: “Don’t bother CS with such nonsense.”.

Now who’s goalpost moving?

I don’t want to bother them, if you want to, then go ahead.

You really have issue with english do you?

Okay then /thread comment chain.

Do you realize what a fool you make of yourself stating this with such terrible grammar?

Yes next time stop posting “confirmation” from random panda okay?

Good boy, now get some sleep okay?

Again; ma’am, sir, or otherwise, you’ve lost ANY right to be patronizing, you are a hypocrite to be sure…

You probably don’t even know what a hypocrite is, you’re just spouting nonsense.

I only pointed out your confirmation comes from a random panda.

It’s not my fault you don’t know how communication works.

Someone who claims verbally one thing while doing another, example: you claiming to be such a galaxy brain and master of communication and mocking me for supposedly being dumb, while using broken English and what not yourself…


My claim is you don’t know how communication work, and i’m smarter than you.

I never said i have galaxy brain, being smarter than you isn’t a feat.

More irony…

Allow me to correct this sentence: “My claim is you don’t know how communication works, and I’m smarter than you.”.

Not one you’ve evidently accomplished anyways…

You won’t be able to see it, i mean look at you, “I have a panda poster as my source, it’s been confirmed!!!”.

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what if they’re going to make kalec and wrathion a couple?

…just a thought i had the other day. carry on.

Please stop, this behavior is unbecoming of you in a public forum, not to mention hypocritical. You lost the argument the moment you had to sink to personal and frankly unbased insults, good day.

You should stop, also stop confirming/debunking someone when your source is a forum poster.

Im helping you here, stop and get some sleep.

Not the person stooping to flinging poo like a monkey, so maybe check a mirror for some self reflection?

By insulting me and making a donkey’s rear of yourself in a public forum? Yeah um… no… you’re not helping anyone… not even yourself.

You mean to a monkey?

Im not insulting you, pointing out the flaw in your argument is not an insult.

Irony… its a word you should learn…

Unfortunately, it’s no use trying to make sense of what Hernehunter has been saying. I stopped reading after his second response. Its clear he has no real source so he’s just running around in a circle tail between the legs.

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