Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

Yes, quite fluently, your assertion that the burden of proof is on me is also wrong. I have given you a direct source, you repeatedly refuse to look at said source, therefore you have not upheld the burden of proof.

Clearly not.

You said

And i said that your confirmation that “I believe no one” is wrong, the source is literally me, on that claim you made about me.

Hence it’s debunked.

You legit have no clue about how communication works, where are your parents?

Ma’am, sir, or other; learn how a debate works, having to lower oneself to such insults is a sign of weakness and defeat.

Stop moving the goalpost, you said it’s confirmed that i believe no one, i, your literal source of confirmation in this case, literally told you “i believe the wow writing team”, in this case, i literally debunked your claim that i believe no one.

Does that make sense? Too hard?

Again? I thought you were brand new to the game

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Then why don’t YOU ask them? Or even just CS who by extension will ask them or the lore department? Again, this is a non-argument, if one side will not willingly concede then the debate is pointless. I have given you a source, now verify it or don’t.

Why would i do your work for you???

The Burden of Proof is on you, you made the claim that you have confirmation, not i.


I gave YOU a source, you have refused to see it, and you told me not to check the source either…

you have lost this debate on those grounds…

Yeah your source is a random nobody, so you don’t have a source, that mean you don’t have any confirmation.

Get it?

If i said the dev actually consider Wrathion an adult, and my source is Bob from Hungary, what are you going to do about it now?

Beating your head on a wall as usual, as pointed out the person in question’s source IS CS, which means you could check the source, you simply refuse and insist I not check it either…

You are refusing to be cooperative and thus this argument is pointless.

I’m ambivalent on the whole Wrathion and Anduin thing. But I don’t support the OP in any way, shape, or form.

That said, I wanted to share this info for y’all arguing about lore.

The npc was a whelp in Classic and a house sized dragon in WoD.


Im not the one believing a random stranger on the internet.

You’re the one who will get scammed by “My uncle works at Nintendo”, stop acting like you’re smart, you don’t know how any of this work.

Im literally trying to help you right now, you’re wrong, im smart, let me help you.

Wow, such hypocrisy, at what point in this argument did I claim to be smart? You’re the one claiming to be a mega-genius despite giving in to your own personal biases…

Again, do you care to check the source I have given you or NOT?

So i just got confirmation from Eddy from the Overwatch team, he also opened a ticket from Blizzard CS and they said Wrathion is an adult.

Dayum, that means i also have confirmation now.

Ma’am, sir, or them, mockery will not win you this debate, what WILL win you this debate is opening a ticket with CS and mods and asking about it, however you refuse to do so, by this point I must surmise for personal reasons…

Im not mocking you, if you think you’re being mocked, that mean you’re being self-aware right now, and that’s good.

So then you did in fact open a ticket or you did not? And if so, post the results…

Eddy from the Overwatch team open it, he’s my source.

If you don’t believe me then go ask Blizzard yourself, you have confirmed to me that you believe no one.

See now I know you’re mocking me, however as I said, you could literally at any time have verified the source, as could I, however you refuse and told me not to bother CS so… :man_shrugging:

I already said my source is Eddy, if you don’t believe it go ask Blizzard yourself.
Did you ask Blizzard yet?