Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

He’s implying you’re a fool for believing what a random on the internet say and use it as confirmation.

Again, would you like to put in a ticket on the subject?

Why would i? Stop bothering the CS with nonsense.

Because you keep denying the issue…

I never said I did, someone else did, and it’s clearly not nonsense if the statement from the linked thread is true. Since you obviously won’t believe anyone else, why don’t YOU put in a ticket asking?

Someone said they did.

And you use them as your “confirmation”.

“would you like proof?”


“heres how you get it”

I yaint doin that.

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Again, you can literally just ask them yourself, by this point you’re dodging the issue.

Again, i won’t, im not the one claiming i have proof.

Stop asking someone asking your credibility by telling them to prove it themselves.

Actually here’s how it went:

“would you like proof”
“yes, please cite”
*links to random person on wow forums claiming they got a ticket response with no actual proof “yup, here’s my proof, it’s confirmation alright”
“This isn’t a citation, this is just a random person claiming something without proof”.
“Better put in a ticket yourself if you want proof then”


I am telling you BOTH to go straight to the source (Blizzard’s moderation), you both refuse… that’s more than a little suspect…

Deliberately avoiding an avenue for confirmation of an issue indicates bias.

Ive said my bit on this issue. Anduin is not the representative you want him to be.

And im telling you im not going to, the burden of proof is on you, you made the claim, why should i do the work for you LOL.

Please just stop.

Ignores the picture of the text in the book.
Ignores the author being public.
Labels people randomly.
Pretends to be new.

Does this not fit your narrative since you want to keep calling others out T? Also figure it out ppl, Erissane is another puppet, they failed at blocking their profile. These tiny post puppets come out to fuel the fire in every one of these threads.

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Isn’t Wrathion a Dragon who is in a magical human form? Wouldn’t that be a form of beasti…? eww :face_vomiting:

Obviously Thrall and Anduin is the superior power couple

People have been shipping Anduin with Yrel and Baine, it’s pretty normal nowadays.

First off, you’ve basically confirmed you WON’T believe anything I link, so no. Second, I am giving you the direct source of my source, so by this point you’re refusing anyways…

You linked a random nobody claiming they contacted a CS.
Of course im not going to believe it.

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Then would you believe the CS?

Probably not, if you want a honest answer, it has to come from the narrative team themselves.

The best way is to tweet it to Danuser (I still won’t do your work).