Please make Wrathion and Anduin a couple

I’m confused on what you mean by this but please cite what you are talking about so I can look into it. We know Wrathion is a young dragon, but is still old enough physically, mentally to be an critically thinking adult when comparing human to dragon years. But if all we’re doing is looking at a number, of course it’s going to look bad without any context.

Seems like Thrall and Anduin is a go then yea?

Aggra might have something to say about it.

There is not enough fire in the world…


Seems like they had enough to burn Darnassus

Also no more sons and daughters of Deathwind in the court of Stormwind. They should have learned that by now.

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How the hell are people still feeding this troll thread…

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Because it’s not a troll thread, it’s a genuine thread that is being inundated by homophobes and trolls. The people attacking this thread should be banned from the forum and game and then we can prune a lot of the homophobia, help this thread have a greater purpose.

They leave this but hide my thread yall are so lame

Nobody cares about Stormwind, Anduin is stepping down and will marry Wrathion in Dragon Isle.

Oh…look…someone else who thinks dating children is ok and that people repulsed by the idea are homophobes and trolls. Off to my ignore list you go.

Edit: Muting this thread now.

The OP is a well known troll, who does this just to stir up trouble. The fact you don’t know that is actually a little amusing. Not to mention the main story writer has already said publicly that Anduin is not gay.

If you want a LGBT power couple, find another and for crying out loud stupid with the damn inter species “ships”…

Yep. I’m pulling the eject lever on this thread and hitting mute. I’m tired of fighting this fight.

Probably the best thing to do honestly.

Took me a few minutes…

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That’s literally a random nobody asking a question to a CS, you don’t even know if they’re telling the truth.

Keep at it, I’m not gonna argue what has already been confirmed…

Your confirmation is literally a forum post from a literal nobody.

With respect, this isn’t a citation. Is there a ticket response you can provide? I’m genuinely curious to see how something like this would play out.

How do you expect me to provide someone else’s ticket?

They asked, you’re equally welcome to put in a ticket about it as well if you’d like…