Please, make Paladin buffs 10mins

This is my take as well, but instead of actually suggesting this, most paladin players try to argue how shaman actually have it better only having a higher cost stationary buff with a limited range that can be killed if you sneeze on it that lasts for a shorter time period.

And Shamans don’t even have Totemic Recall. It would help a lot to get some mana by returning your totems.

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Just make them 30.


I see no point in blessings falling off in raid constantly. Should just bump them to 30 min buffs like tbc same with warrior shout. It’s extremely clunky to be reapplying blessings and shouts while clearing trash and tanking mana, and botching your opener to cast shout

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This way of thinking led to retail.

If you dont like classic, go play retail.

If you don’t like even the smallest of changes to classic, then go play classic.

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I dont play classic because I always played retail from 2004, get it?

Classic WAS RETAIL at one point!

I suffered through all these “old school” things already.

I maxed a toon in Classic when it was re released and stopped.

Now, Im playing SOD because I like the little twists they made with the runes.

But at some point when you keep asking for things, you’re making the game not classic anymore.

I would like to see tags on mobs shared like retail.

I would like to see mining nodes shared.

World quest items should be shared.

Where do we stop?

I could sit here all day and tell you the things that are “wrong” with classic VS retail and I could make tons of adjustments without making it full retail.

Coming here every day and saying things that annoy you about classic isn’t going to do anything

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It is not.

give them everything they want and they have dragonflight

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I really REALLY wish they took design changes from TBC for SOD, there’s so many QOL they ignored and for what? for the nostalgia of vanilla? yeah I don’t think so. 5min blessings were always a pain.

We don’t?

We just follow a different path that leads away from previous expansions.

Hunter’s received 5 nerfs in 2 weeks. Coming in here and providing feedback absolutely results in changes.

Because they can’t change core class mechanics, or core class spells, without if affecting Era. Only things like runes can be changed.

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Really? so that means pets scales with the hunter stats in ERA, among other things

Neck Rune that increases class buffs by 100%.

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I didn’t say it wasn’t possible. Im saying there are 100 more things that could be done to make “Uber Classic”.

It wont stop at 10 minute buffs.

If theyre gonna fix classic then they NEED TO FIX IT

Share tags for starters, like I said.

Add Group Finder

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I’m not saying that I disagree with your proposed changes, they are QOL changes that are sorely needed. But to say that we should do what you feel is more important and not what I feel classes are suffering from is pretty messed up. As someone else said in this thread, why not both?

They also can’t make changes to core WoW mechanics. Adding group finder, shared tags, shared mining nodes… Would result in them needing to add these to classic era. Changing classic era would cause the GD to erupt in chaos.

This really is a huge issue, we have to wait to get higher level abilities. Also 5 minutes isnt bad try 2 minutes while losing 10% of your resource bar :slight_smile: this isnt a problem man


Seems like they can because my pet doesn’t scale in ERA and does in SOD. Obviously they can do things on the server side so introducing QOL from TBC is totally possible without the runes.

Runes, and before ya can even start… SoD needs its own client so actual tuning can take place.

The reason is really obvious when you also play Era and every patch creates a crash, some down time or even more bugs because of SoD.