Please, make Paladin buffs 10mins

I know they are shared but like I said they definitely can do things on the server side, pretty much everything except UI based stuff like tooltips, a client update is necessary for that.

no lol
deal with it :sunglasses:

they literally can’t do this because it would effect the classic era game :expressionless: yes, it sounds crazy, but this is the way they set up classic now. SoD/HC/era all use the same client, which means if you change the duration of buffs for one game, you change it on all of them.

Shaman weapon imbue effects are still bugged. This is a bigger problem, you guys on ally can’t have prio on everything first.

Some things can be done server side, but some things do require a client side patch, for example when you add spells, change animations, New ranks of spells, spell interactions and even potentially the output of spells (not 100%) sure on that because my experience is not with the existing wow engine.

There are unfortunately quite a lot of things that the client side does actually do in wow, and the reason is play quality, this is why wow engine doesn’t rubber band constantly and feels very connected for the player with very crisp interaction.

Server side does check and resolve all these things to a degree, but its not a perfect system, but a perfect system is impossible to do because the internet has a wide degree of latency between you and the server, and if pvp thats 2x

What boss fights are you doing that have taken much longer than 3 minutes, to the point where you feel the need to start rebuffing mid-fight? O_o

Again, where is the necessity before then?

It’s even worse when you consider that the Pally Power add-on exists that lets you not only spam left-click a button to place greater blessings, spam right-click to place normal blessings, that you can change what class gets what blessing in the add-on options, that you can change what blessings individual players of a class should get besides that class’s set buff, and that multiple paladins in a party/raid using Pally Power can have their add-ons automatically change blessing assignments to not step on each other’s toes.

Delicious paladin tears. It wasn’t enough to get better version of 3 shaman buffs (strength, agi, and tremor), plus windfury for alliance? SoD is the lead dev’s little ret pally fantasyland, just give up on this pile of dog doo and come back to WotLK.

Preaching to the choir, babe

Other than Tremor, what’s the better version for Strenght and Agility?
Because “Horn of Lordaeron” is mutually exclusive with Blessing of Might, no matter which paladin applied Might. It is also on the same slot as Seal of Martyrdom and Divine Storm.

For “Tremor”, you do lose either Interrupt, Exorcism on all or Avenger’s Shield, since they share the rune slot.

Changing the time blessings stay on a party is not going to change the feel of the game in any way shape or form other then not being a annoying issue for paladins to worry about and I don’t even play a paladin

because you put a totem down once and it instantly affects five people

compared to a paladin having to take 5 GCDs and significantly more mana to buff 5 people

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If anything, my DPS will increase because I’m not having to rebuff during a boss fight.

Have you not heard of greater blessings, that affect multiple people, at greater range, with stronger buffs, for longer? lol

thats hyperbolic to say it changes nothing. Make the priest fort buff last 24 hours then if time doesnt matter. the time matters because its the difference between a paladin that is paying attention and a pally that isnt

I’ve played a shaman during classic, a totem twisting resto shaman. It’s far from the same thing. Totems are vastly easier and better.

Again. It’s an issue created by us being trapped for months at not 60.

Totems are vastly easier to do.

You aren’t buffing 10 people, you’re casting 4 times and if you’re smart. You’re moving to a spot the totems can stay and be in range of the next trash pull.

The amount of trolls and mouth foamers coming in here and saying “ no suffer” is hilariously cringe.

I think it’d be cool if they made most hard casted buffs last like an hour, tanking related things should just be toggles.

I’d be cool with them getting rid of most reagents too except for abilities with like 10+ minute CDs. The longer the CD the more expensive the reagent. Lay on Hands should cost you like some super expensive holy artifact lmao. Guess that’d make Preparation cost some kinda reagent too in later phases… but I think I’d make that trade. Make it like eating some kinda ninja pill.

I don’t wanna get rid of all the nuances of classic – but I do think short buffs are pretty stupid.

Totems should be actively managed – can’t just be leaving those things around you know. Though I think it’s dumb they eat your bag slots.

Same with ammo – I don’t even track ammo in DnD. We don’t even track food, it’s just assumed someone with survival will acquire some.

I’d be cool with a “rest” ability that lets people regen like they’re eating. That even makes more sense than eating a whole meal every 5-10 minutes.

I agree.

Blizzard, upgrade the length to 10 mins, in exchange, please nerf retnoobs into the ground.

Do not worry, the whole WoW community, to the exception of retnoobs (and nobody cares about them), fully approve of it.

It gives you something to do, imo.

Just buff one per minute! Spread it out over time ftw!


Again, its an issue created by blizzard capping at sub 60.

At 60, the issue explodes into nothingnes, well atleast when AQ20 comes. Since rank 1 greater blessing is still worse than 5min max rank. AQ20 gives rank 2.