End the suffering.
Buffing every 5 trash pulls or rebuffing before a boss and seeing it reach 3mins on a 5min fight and rebuffing again.
There’s no world where people have issue with this kind of change
We won’t get 20min buffs till 56.
End the suffering.
Buffing every 5 trash pulls or rebuffing before a boss and seeing it reach 3mins on a 5min fight and rebuffing again.
There’s no world where people have issue with this kind of change
We won’t get 20min buffs till 56.
Bump for justice
I know I am like fine whatever here is a 30 min buff to paladins buffing me for 5 minutes in a town. I think, “gee thanks, I may get to the town borders by the time that thing runs out.”
How about we make them 2m to match shaman totems. Or even 1m, since they’re significantly stronger than totems. Seems pretty fair tbh, they can have the strongest buffs but they have to work for it.
I have always wondered why Paladin buffs were only 5 minutes when every other buff is 30 minutes. Besides Thorns i think, which lasts 10 minutes for some reason.
I would argue we could make Totem buffs last for ~2 minutes without negatively affecting the game. Shamans would still have to put down their totems every so often, but not constantly everytime there is movement.
Edit: Wait a second. Totems buffs lasts 2 minutes already?
Yes totems have always been 2m. On top of having weaker buffs that are location and group limited, they have to cast them constantly, spending tons of extra mana and GCDs and/or breaking the 5s spirit rule. Its unclear why blessings don’t have similar limitations, despite being significantly stronger.
Even if they would prefer to raise the buff duration, though raising it would be a nice easy solution change, than maybe a addition that makes the paladin able to extend or refresh the duration during combat. I would say this even for shamans with their totems, though getting the system that shamans had before that allowed them to pre-set what totems they would drop an using one button to lay them would also help them.
Why settle for 10 minutes? Let’s make it 30 min baseline and 60 minutes for the greater blessing like all the other classes
Devs please make paladin buffs 30 seconds to 1 minute. Add more buffs and let pally be the first buff bot class.
Nah. You get to literally have everything and the kitchen sink all at the same time.
Suffer with your short buffs I say.
Just give totems wheels and let them follow the Shaman
Yeah, it’s kinda annoying having the fear/sleep and STR/AGI buffs on a 2 min timer, beacon of light on a 1 min timer, and kings/blessings on a 5 min timer.
They should all be at least 5 min timers for consistency sake, and then be buffed to at least 10 mins.
Beacon of light should be cheaper if it is only 1 min too.
Nope. You wanted your overbuffed class fantasy. Now pay the piper.
Also rebuff pls.
Love the tism mentality
OMG YES AND Make all buffs raid wide while you’re at it Especially if we are going to get 40 MANS Back I do not miss the Taking an extra 40 + Minutes to organize buffs.
And you could say that’s part of classic well This is classic + And we’re all about changes here.
2:51 quality of life.
I could see a different world where we get a new rune ability to refresh all paladins blessings cast on allies in your raid or party within a 60 yard range to 15 minutes.
why are people coming into here trolling? This is a legit issue, its not as big of an issue in normal classic because once you hit 56 you get greaters. We are stuck at levels that don’t let us access these spells. So we are stuck with 5min buffs atm.
imagine expecting 5min buffs for 3 months.
The other thing is the power of the buff should not really affect the duration, but should affect the mana/resource cost of the buff. Like how greater blessing both had a pretty high mana cost, as well as needed a reagent to use the. I could see us having normal 5 min buffs, but if you wanted to cast a longer duration version it would cost you more mana and/or a reagent to do so.
Agreed, and while we’re here make Battle Shout 5 min so I don’t have to use rage mid fight.