Not just Shaman totems, but Shaman Weapon imbues are also only 5. Shaman is pretty much a worse, weaker Paladin in every way. And considering how favored Paladins have been in SoD it’s kind of funny seeing them begging for buffs.
id rather give rogues 2 more shadow steps than enable this blasphemy. if you cant kill the boss in 4-5 minutes it’s a skill issue. sorry.
second on this. 15 min would be nice 30 for a greater.
I like this idea only if horde also get paladins.
If not, nerf it to 2 minute duration.
Imagine having to recast buffs every 2 minutes, like shamans do. Blessing are already broken and OP in comparison, they should be nerfed, not buffed. Or we should leave them the same and buff totems.
Instead of casting one totem every two minutes paladins have to cast 5 buffs every 5 minutes, get over it. On top of them having to recast their seals more often but should they complain about that while shaman have longer weapon buffs? And imagine if they lost flametongue with every lava lash, should that be a thing too? Or can different classes be different?
You know that shamans are casting multiple totems every 2m and also twisting the air totems every 10s right? Paladins asking for better blessings is delusional.
The whole world has gone soy
Blessings are intended to be short term buffs applied during combat depending on the situation, hence their power, low mana cost and short duration
Keybind 2 main blessings, one common melee (kings or might) and one common caster (wis or salv)
Now use these 2 keybind as frequently as needed. What a joke of a community this is. First they want dual spec and now 10 min pally buffs. Soy behavior
Oh so shaman can even have more than one buff on some one!? Sounds pretty good.
Meanwhile paladins are asking to be able to seal twist again, which shaman wont have to worry about with druids now having the rune.
These low IQ takes crack me up.
I think paladin buffs should only last 2min to bring them inline with shaman totems.
I haven’t done anything but point out the benefits that totems have over blessings that you choose to ignore, so what low IQ take? You’re comparing totems to blessings 1:1 as if totems are just a worse version of blessings but they offer advantages that blessings do not and it’s disingenuous to ignore that in your complaining. Totems are fine at 2m, blessings are fine at 5m.
gO bACk to rETaIL
Its to balance the fact that their buffs are completely busted, and that you don’t need to worry about them in open world pvp on OTHER players.
Yeah that guy could have a priest buff.
Or a mage buff.
Or a druid buff.
But he’s been running around the zone for a little while, he definitely doesnt have paladin buffs.
Yeah they should remove greater blessings and make them 1m. Ironically they would still be stronger than totems with that.
greater blessings were added later on in like 2004/5 when people began raiding in the game more for the sole purpose of buffing raids which is 40 people as opposed to 5 in dungeons which is much easier to handle with short 5 min buffs
Imagine going into every thread just to cry about Paladins, or about any class really, but in your case it’s Paladins. Embarrassing maidenless behavior.
Yes please, and for the love of god do the same for Shaman Totems and Weapon buffs.
Based buff enjoyer Chad
So lets not argue over which class has it worse, but look at how we can make both classes better ad have more appealing mechanics that don’t stretch too far away.
Arguing over which class has it worse is not going to be seen as a great thing with the devs if they see the posts. But seeing the two groups actually working together to see if we can make both classes better an yet not op would make them look at the posts in a more friendly light.