Please make Orb of Sin'dorei permanent

I’ve wanted a blood elf druid since TBC.

Since we don’t have this race/class combo option, could we pretty please make Orb of Sin’dorei a permanent transformation until toggled off?

I can only play as a blood elf druid 5 minutes every half and hour. Why not simply give us the option to make it permanent?


Because they don’t want Blood Elves to be Druids. If/when they decide to give Druids to Blood Elves, you can race change then but until that happens, you’re stuck with the toy as is.

Try to take advantage of the Atomic Recalibrator whenever you see one up. That lasts for an hour. You can also buy that toy on the AH for relatively cheap, but it does have a 12hr CD.

Transformation toys are just that. Toys. Not permanent character altering services.


Blood elves shouldn’t be druids. They don’t care about and abuse nature.


You can use Skymirror to extend the illusion a little bit longer.

Why is Burgy Blackheart’s toy a permanent transformation until toggled off but Orb of Sindorei and Atomic Recalibrator are limited duration?

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Too bad you don’t play wow in China.

You do know blizzard is making all races for all classes right?

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didn’t blizzard recently give an interview saying they no longer intend to do that with druids and paladins?

yeah i just found the wowhead article:

The War Within - Creator Summit Group Interview - Michael Bybee and Sean McCann - Wowhead News

With cross-faction being included and updated more and more in the game, is there a chance that race restrictions will be lifted? I’d like to be a Vulpera Paladin.

Michael Bybee:
Yeah, I hear you. I think a Vulpera Paladin would be really cool. You say race restrictions, we say a bunch of extra animation and artwork that we have to do to make that work for a Vulpera Paladin. Unfortunately, especially Paladins and classes that have a lot of extra abilities, it does require work from the team to be able to make that work. Every time we talk about it we feel super passionately about making that. But at this time, we are actually not ready to announce any additional Paladins or other class extensions beyond what you’ve currently seen.

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They didn’t say they are never doing that. Just that it’d take a lot of time. I think Evoker and DH were excluded from that though.

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The most recent information is that if that is happening, it’s not anytime soon.

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I have no idea what this is.

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this toy

Burgy Blackheart’s Handsome Hat - Item - World of Warcraft (

permanent transformation until toggled off via a toy

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They’re basically saying that it’ll take time due to all the racial assets needed.

You think it’s a coincidence that the only remaining non blanket classes are shaman, druid and paladin?

Like we have LFD, draenie and maghar locks…

My suggestion is either:

You play as a Night Elf. At least you’ll still be an elf, but you obviously can’t be a Thalassian Elf, and as long as Blizzard sticks to their strict racial segregation concept, you can’t stay in the Horde either. But at least it’s heading in the right direction. You can make your Night Elf smaller through various options.

Then there’s the alternative with a toy called: Atomic Recalibrator. You can buy this from the Auction House, for example. It allows you to become the race you want to be for one hour, regardless of faction. Use your alts or ask friends if they can place it for you again.

I think I read that with TWW a new toy or something similar is coming out that allows you to switch races. It was mentioned on Wowhead, but unfortunately, I don’t remember the details. :thinking:

At some point, they will open all classes to all races anyway, it’s just a matter of when.

Yeah because if assets needed for shaman druid and paladin. But it’s gonna happen, that what the tyr’s guard is for for paladins

Or at least make it last as long as the cool down…

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That would be the perfect solution for the Atomic Recalibrator toy. The effect only lasts one hour, but the CD is an entire day…

Exception to the rule I guess.

Funnily enough I have that toy :sweat_smile:

They’re from enchanting. I can’t remember what they’re called but there’s one for every race except Dracthyr.

Your sentiments are shared. :woman_elf:

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This…this is how they need to stay. They’re toys for a reason, and if that’s not enough for you you’re free to go elsewhere till they deem BE worthy of druids…which may not be till Last Titan so you’ll have quite the wait