PLEASE let us kill Anduin!

What gave it away that we weren’t on your side?

To be fair, even if Varian went out like a boss the whole soul-disenchantment thing (if it proves true) is a pretty steep price for a badass ending. At least Vol’jin exists in spirit form and can influence the story that way, Varian is just flat out gone.


I’m not sure anything can top the final boss in the Overlord dlc for Mass Effect 2 if we’re talking emotions.

Seriously I remember just staring at the screen and tears rolling down my face once the boss was defeated. Not gonna spoil toooo much.

Well, when you put it like that… I guess you can… I mean, if you really need it that badly. :joy:

I’m pretty sure it was just his body.

Erm, but don’t forget that they’re protected by plot armour.

Also, he’s not a crazed banshee without honour.

C mon he’s just what 19?

He doesn’t even have a girlfriend yet.

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He has Wrathion

He will likely become a raid boss for 9.2 but like Jaina and Azshara etc, he won’t “die” just be defeated

Hogger for president…


While you’re at it kill all the notable leaders.

I tire of these games of petty morality. Bring me skulls and death.

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As King my administration would be focused on the important aspects of governance by instituting a keg for every household policy…hic!

How can liking a character be a good reason to kill them?

That’s like going to see Thor for the first time and thinking, wow, that Thor is gorgeous, I hope he dies in the film.

Me, I’d like to see Tyrande die, with lots of angst and weeping from Malfurion as he pulls Sylvanas’ dagger from her back. Sort of turn it into “Days of our WoW”…

hyena laughing intensifies

Eyyy you got the reference :stuck_out_tongue:

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It would have to be a naval battle… otherwise how will we ever reach him through the constant flow of tears?

Alliance still owes Horde a leader from Battle for Dazrallor.