PLEASE let us kill Anduin!


Let him finally get some time to be with someone who can help him be more than mournfully happy?

Hmm… op, I want you to care about Sylvanas. :stuck_out_tongue:

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She also called me a possum and must now die…

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I used to babysit. Most Disney movies are now forever engraved into my mind MUAHAHAHUUAAAhelp

You guys can get an alliance council of leaders. I still dont get how the horde got to a more representative government quicker than the alliance ever even thought about it. Kings are that of the past.

You let me choke out that tree burning banshee, you can kill the mini king.


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I would love nothing more than to watch the little lion fall. It won’t happen, of course. Blizzard hates to make it seem like the alliance are any sort of bad.

Ehh… I like the royal titles in my opinion. I like the differences between Horde and Alliance. But I guess for now we’re holding hands against the Jailer

Musical translation:

“I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel”

You mean how the Horde is now governed by an alliance of equals and the Alliance is an empire under Stormwind?

we won’t kill anduin or sylvanas

or else

You think they’ll all have kids at some point? Or does the Alliance just die whenever Tyrande, Jaina and Anduin die?

Then again I’d like a dwarf as the leader of the Alliance

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Idk i can at least respect Tyrande. Don’t respect Sylvanas. She just doesn’t seem to be a good person.

Always have been holding hands.

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Yeah, I think a dwarf leader would be cool. I believe any of them are fit for leadership, unless the Alliance HAS to be led by a human. If this weren’t a fictional world I wouldn’t expect one of the shortest living races to hold such a prestigious place… but I believe Tyrande and Malfurion have plenty of time to have children, unless she dies. Which I don’t expect to happen xP

I got this. :sunglasses: