PLEASE let us kill Anduin!

This isn’t a Anduin hate thread. In fact Anduin has really grown on me, but that’s actually why I want us to be able to canonically kill him so badly.
It’s been AGES since we’ve gotten to kill somebody I actually cared about one way or the other. I just want to be able to FEEL something, anything, when I down a boss.


Who would be king?

I would love to murder more humans. The King of them? Hell. Yes.


Doubt it’ll happen moo boy.

I just like exhibition fights and the fact that the Son of Varian isn’t a raid fight in the next tier is seriously disappointing.


Nooo…, if only for the reason that we need to cut back on focusing the story so much on Anduin(Humans) Alliance side.

No one lays a finger on the young lion.


Topper McNabb. From beggar to king, his rise to power will be swift and his rule terrible to behold!

He demands all of your spare change or it’s the dungeon for you.


Anduin is a crazy Alliance king who is killing all our new found allies in the Shadowlands and beyond!

He must be stop at all cost!

You have my vote: kill Anduin!

Isn’t Turalyon already ruling in Anduin’s absence? WHy not make it official? The Warcraft 1 Human ending shows that it’s possible for a war hero to be elevated to the throne. King Turalyon, Queen Alleria and Prince Arator all have a ring to it.
Plus it would create the casus belli to fulfill Alleria’s vision of the Alliance taking Silvermoon.

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Its not going to happen. Unless there’s a retcon we know from an official blizz cutscene that Anduin is TEH CHOZEN 1 and grows old and bearded and works with Velen to… do something.

Besides, he’s Alliance. The only time Alliance leaders die is when its an OMG WTF AWESOME BADASS SACRIFICE TO SAVE HIS PEOPLE EPIC MOMENT. To be contrasted with a Hordes lame pathetic death.

Yes I am referring to Varian and Voljin. Good god the difference between their deaths couldn’t have been greater.


CLEARLY that was an alternate timeline.

nah that dudes shady AF he said he would repay me Thursday for a cheeseburger i lent him on Tuesday that was 16 years ago.


Oh lord please no more alternate timelines Blizzard, please no, no more! I can’t take it anymore THEY MAKE NO DAMN SENSE

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Death to the Alliance!

Doesn’t matter the reason!



edit: Nathanos?


People cared about Rastakhan? Maybe if Talanji died, though that’s still only just a maybe…

He was kind of a cool character but we pretty much only just met him and didn’t get to spend much time at all with him, plus he did some dumb stuff during that time… AND he was indirectly responsible for Cata versions of ZG and the Throne of Thunder (as good a raid that was)… he’s been nothing but trouble for years :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: And Ra’den we spent even LESS time with, and when he wasn’t trying to kill us he was being super mopey or trying to hit on our mum!

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Realistically those are both secondary characters and both were plot devices.

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Just in a video game right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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They killed Varian to make him king, so not going to happen. He’s their golden boy atm and there’s a comic showing him with Velen well into the future - although they did give themselves some wiggle room later by saying it’s just a possible future.

I liked Andy so much better before he became king, though.

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