Please let us fight in Visage form or let us transmog more stuff onto our Dracthyr Evoker!

you’re missing my point. but frankly none of this salvages how dumb the lore or models of these characters are. you say ‘i don’t want wow without a soul’ and it looks to me like your ideal here is pretty soulless either way. i just don’t wanna look dumb while i play the class

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what about the defias evokers? or the various hostile caster npcs that are called evokers from the various expansions before df?

Evoker literally just means spellcaster, you do know that right? They aren’t literally using dragon aspect powers. Evocation is a whole arcane magical thing for mages. Aka evokers. Not actually using dragon aspect powers.

Evoker was always a dumb name for the class to begin with but that is a whole other topic. It is such a generic term for magic users or anyone really. You can evoke a recipe to cook in the kitchen.

You find it dumb, I do not. I get your point, you hate how they look. That doesn’t change that they still fit in the game like a glove via the lore. You might not like it but they are part of the dragons lore now that have been hinting at them since Neferian was still in the game. Or at least the concept of them.

Nothing about them are soulless. I get it, you hate how they look. That is fine, but souless they are not.


lol brother that is some potent copium to be huffing. i wish i could be as simply sated, that would make this game much more generally palatable

Mate, this sounds more like a personal problem for you than anything.

yeah, i’m definitely the only person who thinks the geico commercial race is goofy…

Of course not, people have opinions, others also don’t mind. Welcome to the world I guess.

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Male Blood Elves aren’t even skinny though, females are. Male Blood elves had broad shoulders and 6 packs. They’re skinnier compared to the other hulked out races, but Blood elves would still take you out in one punch IRL.


womp womp, sorry we don’t have body sliders. i also think they’d be cool. do we really need to keep beating this horse

Just checked out my evoker, dude has an 8 pack. Dude is ripped, also have scales going down the back.

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Seriously. If Worken and Tauren have “full” transmog there’s no reason for Dracthyr not to


2nd half of OP’s thread title…

or let us transmog more stuff onto our Dracthyr Evoker!


You and frosteon are literally the worst kind of player. As well as anyone who supports you. People ask for things that negative affect noone and it’s fun. And you get on their case for it and say they’re wrong for wanting it.

Genuinely hope your opinions are never considered when it comes time to give you something you want lol

Aye, if anything full armor on dracthyr should be a thing.


Pro tip - Savory Deviate Delight will make you a human full-time, even during your dragon abilities.

It’s not your visage form, but if the cost is like 10g an hour to not be an ugly Spyro? Sold 24/7/365.

Eh, I wouldn’t say it works fine with toys. Whenever I forget to click off an illusion from one of those toys that changes your race, or whenever I am in a dungeon that changes it regardless, it looks super goofy to cast some of those abilities. It is clear that they were not designed for a non Dracthyr form.

Heh, always leaves me scrambling mid fight to turn off the illusion if I can. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is this you?

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see and that bothers me less than the goofy lizard with no transmog

To each their own. I love my lizard. I almost never see my Visage form. Basically only shift when I wanna check what a piece of armour looks like.

I was just saying that as of now, the devs clearly have not designed to have those abilities on non Dracthyr forms. The animations are broken for the most part, and weird looking even if they are not broken. Sometimes they just don’t exist at all.


yea but the race as a whole feels like the devs rushed and cut corners to get them out on time. as ive said i can deal with the poor attempt at a dragon race if they can get transmog but if they refuse to do that im with everyone else and its either perma visage or cut evoker from the dracthyr and make it for other races. them opening up other classes to dracthyr was just a spite move that ended up giving people who dont like the race more ammo to prove it isnt liked since nobody plays those combos. either way idc how it happens i just want my transmog