Please let us fight in Visage form or let us transmog more stuff onto our Dracthyr Evoker!

I can’t take it anymore! Evokers are so fun but as someone who loves transmog it is so painful.


This again? Just stop

Evoker powers comes from their true body, not from a disguise. Makes no sense ask for this.

Instead, you should be asking for them give full transmog for our true body, or at least more armor options at the barber shop.

Visage form should not even exist. Blizzard created it just to skip the work of make the full transmog.


makes no sense to appeal to literally nonsense rules that don’t exist. it’s magic. it works however the devs say it works. visage forms are frankly much more appealing visually for a lot of people, myself included— i don’t wanna look like a newt with an iron deficiency to play evoker, that’s lame class fantasy


I literally said this in the title of my post…


I do not care about being able to fight in Visage form as I almost never use it, but I am fine with adding transmog to Dracthyr if they can find a way to do it without screwing over the options we have now. I like having the minimal barbershop armour on my Dracthyr form, and would prefer not to need a completely naked Visage to keep that look if they ever added mail to Dracthyr.


Improving the true form for Dracthyr mogging would be ideal. As it is now if I don’t want my mog for visage to mess up my true form, I avoid using belts with buckles, shoulders and tabards.


We need regular updates to our babershop options. More body proportions, our color options are bad and we need MORE. We need new styles of the armor cause you can barely tell them apart. It’s basically a mage vs platey armor.


I think it makes sense for people to want to play a class they think is fun without feeling like they look ridiculous.


Visage is off the GCD and you can kind of macro it into abilities, but it’s not really a solution because.

  1. activating visage disables hover
  2. using the macro’d ability twice will put you back into dragon form.

Was experimenting to see if i could do something cool with transforming in-and out during combat but it was disappointing.

Imagine there’s a class that turns you into into a Clown in combat. You don’t like clowns, you don’t understand the appeal of clowns. But the associated gameplay is, by far, easier on your wrist than any other class in the game, and quite enjoyable to you. But you have to be a clown. Because of special clown animations.

And then you go to the forums, and you ask “Hey can i not be a clown all the time in combat? I don’t wanna take anything away from the people who like clowns, i just want the option to not be one. Or at least make my clown look better.” and people get mad at you.


But that isn’t what happened.

Imagine people picking a race and realizing they have to play that race. Really getting tired of people picking a race and doing everything they can not to play it.

Void elves. Worgen. Dracthyr.

You know what you signed up as. You decided to pick a purple and tentacley elf. You picked a wolf person. You picked a dragon hybrid experiment.

To turn around and then be “but I don’t want to actually be this race anymore. Change it visually for me. Thx”…

It just gets old


The funny thing is, Blizz could easily fix this problem.
they are just too lazy to do that.
Honestly I want transmog on the Dracthyr form period. Only 2 pieces (I’m not counting tabard as I personally never use them anyway) is so clunky and 99.9% of all gear does not fit with it.
Either they shouldn’t have allowed any transmog at all and give more barber options, or they should let us full transmog.
Or both. Both would be GREAT.

But Blizz either won’t do it, or it will take them another decade to half donkey it.

as someone who plays worgen more than any other race, I would 100% like to fight in my human form. Has nothing to do with “but they are wolf so fight wolf”
it’s “they are humans with wolf form, not wolf with human form”
And what’s so wrong with having options available? Especially when it makes perfect sense to have the option.


The complaint is that they have to pick that race in order to play a class they like.

IMO locking any class to a single race is a bad idea, even if its a popular race like elves for DH, because it stops some people from playing a class they may enjoy if they hate the single race.

The request to play evoker in visage form during combat is pretty reasonable. The mechanics are already there; if they can make a DH briefly assume demon form for certain spells, they can make evoker stay in visage during combat and just briefly change to drac for certain spells.

Its not an absurd ask.

Ya’ll just want to be blood elfs with dragon wings!


So roll a human? Sorry, I’m not trying to sound like a jerk, but I don’t get it.


Its wild even the TIER SETS DESIGNED FOR THE CLASS dont show. Also why tf doesnt body armor show when tabard does??? What sense does that make They already havbe the talons in the barber shop so we know they can make gloves work.


Asking a dracthyr as a non dracthyr I do not consider a sensible ask.


I…rather like my Dracthyr form. I almost never use Visage. I will admit, however, that it would be nice if more of our armor were visible in Dracthyr form.


Asking to play an evoker without having to look ridiculous is a reasonable ask, IMO. Allowing Dracthyr to use the visage form to accomplish this seems sensible.

Extending evoker to more races would of course be better, but that would be much more work on Blizzards part vs an easy solution of just tweaking visage a bit.

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Visage form should 100% exist. It fits the lore of the race very well. Still agree with the rest though.

I agree wholeheartedly. I think blizzard has bent over backwards to cater to this race. That’s barely 3 years old by giving them more classes and more looks and more options. They need to just sit down and shut up until the other races finally get some love.

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