Please let me choose covenant

Why not, because you don’t like it? Oh well, opinions are like that, you don’t have to.

Look up BFA Alpha Build 26367. Your answer is right there.

Yeah, and I think you might want to judge your own opinion, because you’re forgetting a lot lately.

Well, if Legion’s Legendaries were any indication, I might have some pretty bad news for ya, chief…

Way to have an open mind about how this affects the game as a whole and even remotely understand what this is going to do to it. :roll_eyes:

Done with you.

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Because I want a game I enjoy, I’m going to keep giving positive feedback to the system because it think it is a great system

He’s just some random person who thinks the game should cater to them, and all others who disagree are a “vocal minority.” The irony comes when they realize they are the minority.

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There is no majority here on the forums. The forums themselves are a minority.

Blizzard themselves have stated as such in the past

I can’t really trust the words of someone who can’t remember the past properly.

You really think the majority of players come to the forums? I got a nice bridge to sell you of you do.

Probably think the majority of players participate in raiding above lfr too

Pick the one you WANT to pick. No one is forcing you to min/max, and you will perform just as well as anyone else if you actually try.

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Did I say that? I don’t recall.

oh no it’s happening again

Skill will matter a lot more than the ability itself out of the top 1% of players

So you agree that the people who come here are a minority, therefore no majority option can be derived from the forums

I didn’t say that either though…

Are you quoting the wrong person?

Ah, anyways I’m out. I already got you to prove my point repeatedly. This conversation has gotten boring now. I’ll be going :slight_smile:

Well if it’s not majority than it’s a minority, which means none of the feedback here matters anyway.

I can almost guarantee that blizzard goes through with the system as is anyway, it would be way too much work to uproot both things

Have a good night then

I really hope Blizzard changes their mind on this. I don’t want to have to choose between game play immersion and character utility.

When in history have they uprooted a whole expansion system over some forum complaints?

Never. The system is basically set in stone at this point.

Just because thats how it was treated in the past does not make it right. Blizzard ignored feedback on islands and warfronts, and guess what they were considered a failure by almost all players.

If Blizzard ties the abilities to each covenant it is going to be an absolute tuning disaster. Imagine your pick gets hugely nerfed after the first month and the grind to join a new covenant is very lengthy. That is a complete and utter design fail.

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*citation needed, I know quite a few people who love islands. A lot of people who hate them grind them for AP.

And I enjoy it this way so I will keep providing positive feedback /shrug, we’ll see which side ends up with the winning goal.

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