Please let me choose covenant

see meta build gets nerf. You’ll probably choose you best meta built and complain next day how you’re nerfed. Just play what you want who cares about the “meta” unless you’re pushing high end content as top 100 guild/glad/m+20


So you’re now just breaking from what I’m talking about.

Do you seriously not remember when Azerite Armor was first out on the BFA Alpha in like February/March? It was hilarious because it was literally the Netherlight Crucible turned upside-down.

People began talking about the system and worries had begun on the Forums. But nobody talked about the system on Live.

Next thing you know, Azerite flopped.

Azerite armor wasn’t on the alpha. It didn’t get added til the tail end of beta. And no, no one I saw was talking negatively about it on Live, only here.

The 2% leech is crucial for our meta build and fairy boy is ruining it all.

This isn’t about some meta. This about our talents being locked behind a faction and unchangeable without a long grind.

Take your favorite talent. Say Blizz nerfs it into the ground. What do you do? You swap. Say there was a great one that you had lots of fun with in PvP, but you like a different for raids or M+. You swap.

You want more AoE for fun during questing? Swap talents! Want more survivability while trying to kill some world elites, but like a fun damage ability more for dungeons? Swap!

Guess what? You won’t get to do that anymore with your Shadowlands ones.

This isn’t about numbers. It’s purely about abilities being locked and gated behind a faction and a long grind.

And it makes the choice important. There’s not a lot of important choices in wow anymore.


Everything feels to similar because they gutted every class and took away all of their cool stuff that made them feel good. Abilities they viewed as redundant/unnecessary during the pruning got removed until everything became same-y.

This started happening when we shifted back towards the “bring the class, not the player” mindset. They gave classes unique utilities as a consolation prize for the gutting.

It is simply my opinion that the game was more fun when you could play whatever class/spec you liked and not have to feel like you were severely lacking in an area.

Which is why i think the game would be more fun if you could pick your covenant for aesthetics, AND your preferred ability for practicality.

And screws people out of different content or when something gets changed or nerfed that they enjoyed.

Storyline choices should be important choices which shape things. Gameplay mechanics should never be locked down like this.

People will quit before they go through a long grind if they find out they chose something they didn’t find fun once they tried it.

You want that kind of restriction on your stuff? That’s why Classic exists separate from retail. Retail changed and evolved when swapping abilities and specs for a reason

There we go! My boi is lying now!

Azerite was added in Alpha. April actually.

Thanks for proving my point!

When was that? Because a lot of specs always had niches.

How does it screw people out of content? Are you suggesting that players who pick the vampire covenant won’t be able to do things because their ability may sim at 2% less than the Night Fae?

Then let them quit

No, it wasn’t, it was added at the tail end of beta and not given enough testing time. I was in the damn beta.

They even told us it would be “fine” because the raid traits would be “better”. They never even tested the raid traits.

Hey buddy, you’re wrong again. I was in the Beta too. It doesn’t take much to do a quick google search of “Azerite Armor BFA Alpha” and getting results of Early April.

Beta only began April 24th 2018. So that’s definitely not the “tail end” of Beta.

rofl “just google it” it’s common knowledge they were added late beta because they gave very little testing time on it.

How about we stop trying to kill the game? This mindset is bs and you know it. The flippant dismissal of a crap system that could lose players is ridiculous.

Talents should not be a final choice locked behind a long grind. They never were at any point in time. Not once. We could ALWAYS swap abilities.

This is likened to Aldor and Scryers. Guess what? No abilities were locked to those.

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I enjoy the system as it is. Therefore, anyone else who doesn’t is free to quit /shrug. Won’t bother me much.

Am I just supposed to give up what I like because other people don’t?

Alright. I think that decides it. I won the argument. You don’t even have your own facts straight to even try to defend yourself.

I remember it 100%, tis you who doesn’t. it’s all over the place about how they didn’t give enough time to test htem.

No, you just shouldn’t expect us to take your opinion seriously