Please let me choose covenant

Based off of aestetics not abilities. I feel like already there will be a meta for each spec we will need to use.


There will always be a meta anytime active abilities are involved.


Disregard meta, choose based off aesthetic anyhow. That’s what I’m doing.


As long as they are closer together than twilight devastation and vers as a percentage of haste.

Honestly, if they are in the same ballpark it’ll be fine.


I’ll pick Kyrian purely for cosmetic purposes and honestly I didn’t even read what ability they provide. Even if Kyrian was the worst in terms of power, I’ll stick pick them.


A thousand times this. If the difference ends up being ~1-5% I’m just gonna say screw the minmaxers, I’m getting fairy wings and nobody’s stopping me.


Serious question - if the only thing that matters to you is the aesthetics, would you care if the abilities were all mechanically identical between covenants?


No one is stopping you from putting aesthetics > abilities, I do it all the time.

In the end it doesn’t matter that much.

All the crying is just people who want their cake, want to eat their cake, and then want to resell their cake.


If they were all mechanically identical. What would even be the point of having different covenants then? That seems a bit backwards.


I’m stopping me from choosing that. I don’t like being behind its just like selecting the op talents over using mirror image which is fun but horrible.

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Perhaps as long as they look different, yes.
Seems kind of boring for all the abilities to be the same, though.

Regardless I’ll be picking a Covenant for mog/mounts/etc.
Not abilities that I can only use while in The Shadowlands.
It does help that the Kyrian ability is amazing-looking for Priests though…

That’s all good! You should always weigh stuff like that. Personally if it’s under a 3% increase that is when it’s up in the air for me.

It can be hard to balance your own enjoyment and being a meaningful member of whatever content you enjoy but its possible.

I doubt after all the balancing that the abilities will outweigh each other all that much, but I may just be optimistic.

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Yup. And that’s why abilities should not be tied to covenants.


The majority of people complaining about this have never played at a level it matters, and the people that do are aware they’re going to have to anyways.

It doesn’t matter.
If somebody makes it matter, they’re stupid. You’re not in a US top 10 guild.


Going to disagree. I feel that adds a bit of uniqueness to them. Also we still don’t know what numbers will look like.

Still if not covenant abilities, people will claim there’s a soulbind meta, or spec meta, or that other meta. As I said in another thread, whether or not something is meta, the important thing is to play it well. If you play it well, you’ll succeed more often than not.

I personally don’t see a huge power gap between them, definitely not the mess that we have with corruption effects atm.


There are other ways to add uniqueness that don’t involve our abilities and passives. It’s crap design, imo, and a bad direction.


Here’s hoping the elites will be satisfied gating only on RIO score and AOTC. If you start getting filtered by covenant choice… well, working as intended I guess.

Never mind, carry on.

Eh I’m still waiting for numbers. Regardless I’m still going with Night Fae. I actually enjoy playing with new abilities even if they are tied to a certain covenant.

I mean, how is it any different than racials? Or spec powers?

Racials are inconsequential and people have the capability to swap whenever they want pretty easily without any drawbacks or something long and drawn out. Abilities are entirely different. Talents are swapped whenever we want as we see fit. This is either you’re stuck with it or you spend forever trying to grind out something to get abilities through some other covenant.

You pick a wrong talent, you go to a rest zone and change it. You pick the wrong covenant, you’re just screwed unless you can stomach a long, difficult grind.

Aldor and Scryers were fine. It was just gear and some crafting patterns. This is our actual abilities— which should be part of the damn talent tree and not tied to throwaway content AGAIN.


Rhielle, while I can understand why you might feel that way. It’s one ability. That one ability, if they do it right, and given the lessons I hope they learned from BfA they do, that one ability is not going to be even 10% of your overall output.

We don’t have numbers (especially considering squish), and we have no idea on soulbinds. So let’s all take a chill pill and see how it pans out.