Please let me choose covenant

There is a cycle here.

“I don’t want to be a min-maxer, I want to choose things based on aesthetics and lore!”

“You can still do that, you just won’t be min-maxing”


I’m reminded of that American Chopper meme…

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Your friends are in the minority, sorry. Regardless that is besides the point. I am more interested in avoiding the tuning disaster that is currently slated for 9.0 if they go forth with this ideology. Keep in mind Azerite traits had the same disaster at BFA launch and they weren’t even a hardlocked thing.

Yet those same players will make the same mistakes in rotation and positioning that have more impact than covenants.

Do you reroll classes/ specs or race change anytime a nerf or buff happens? Fotm?

I liked the traits at launch, it was the yoyoing of gaining and losing rings that pissed me off.

And we have no idea what the majority and minority are, so lets stop spouting it like fact.

I swear these people don’t realize class will matter 100x more than these abilities if they’re talking min/max.

Like, if you’re not a mage right now you’re doing it wrong.

A large number of players seem to be under the delusion that they will be in the top 1% guilds where every little number tweak will matter.

I find it hard to believe that tiny number increases, or minor increases to utility, will matter.

Like it or not, there will always be a path of most min-max, and nothing will ever be truly balanced. If you play entirely based on incremental increases, than you have already surrendered your choice and freewill to the number generator. There will always, always be a best path. No matter how well tuned it may be.

Once you start down the path of min-maxing, that’s it, you’re going to go with whatever sims the best. And if that is what you choose to do, then “lore and aesthetics” are no where near your top priority. And you are merely lying to yourself.

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And that’s now. When the overall balance is pretty close. Shudder to think of the old days…

I guess they don’t see classic, with rogues/ warriors doing double the dmg of other specs.

Well, if you look at classic, if you’re not a mage, warrior, or priest, why are you even playing?

Come to think of it, through most of wow’s history it’s basically been Mage near the top. So go mage!

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Or we could tell Blizzard we don’t like what they’re doing. Just like what happened with Essences. And with Visions. And with Corrupted Gear.

And then we get to choose based off of aesthetic without having to disregard anything. We can have the best outcome if we organize for it.

If you go by blizzard’s past you’ll see those changes in 9.2 at the earliest. Which is fine, i’ll get it the way I like it for 2 patches.

Meanwhile the horde is massively dominant on Classic because it has superior racials. People will always take the path of least resistance. Pretending that its okay to lock abilities behind grinds is just white knighting for Blizzard at this point.

Try playing arena, high keys, or mythic raiding and having your abilities nerfed. It is super annoying. I can remember all monks at the beginning of BFA farming for triple rising sunkick trait because of how good it was and it made a massive difference for monks. Some azerite traits received 200% nerfs in 8.0. Stop trusting Blizzard to tune the game correctly.

Even if a player isn’t top tier, there is nothing new with a player trying to have most optimal set up, especially if they are trying to improve.

You mean an outcome where there are no strategic trade-offs, and no real “point” behind the choice you make in a key part of the games story? And a major feature just boils down to “pick which shiny animations you want!”

Except for when racials were significant differences in output… Limit went mass troll for the aesthetics. All those pvpers went human in WoD for the aesthetics…

No different than FOTM rerolling.

We need more impactful choices in wow. Nothing has impact anymore.

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Making optimized choices can shore up for the fact that you’re not a Method-quality raider. Have you seen those people? They beat Mythic geared in a hodgepodge of gear they got from current content and last content’s gear. They play better than everyone; it’s not just about gear.

Many people feel like they need to make the most optimized choice to shore up for the fact that they’re not Method, because so much of this game is balanced around Method and other high-end players. I don’t think it’s a problem for people to tell Blizzard that they don’t want the aesthetics of their character (in the form of the covenant-specific mounts and armor ensembles) to become tangled even a little bit with their character’s mechanics any more than the class choice already makes it.

This is the same classic that is based on Vanilla yes? The same vanilla that I distinctly remember the Alliance being the more dominant, and that our racials were more “OP”, and Trolls had the most garbage racial in the universe?

Patently false, 1-2 bosses are balanced around method for a short period of time. Very little of this game is balanced around the super high end.

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That is still boiling down to “all I really want is minor stat increases”.

No impactful choices, no trade-offs, no actual thought. Just slaves to the number generator.

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What can be gathered is people hate choices because they are so afraid of making the “wrong” choice.

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Yeah. That sounds great actually.