Please let me choose covenant

People wanted storyline choices. They wanted more of what they got with the Sylvanas loyalty questline. And they wanted those storyline choices to matter.

New abilities should not be locked behind storyline factions. Talents/abilities/passives that define whether you can better PvP or PvE should not be a long grind to change.

We can swap talents and specs as we want to fit the type of gameplay we’ll be doing at that point. Now, suddenly, our new ones can’t be swapped like that.

There’s a reason the game evolved where specs and talents became easier to swap.

I don’t know of anyone who asked for our new talents to be locked behind a storyline faction and a long grind to swap.


And do I need to spell it out for you?

People don’t come to the forums to talk about things they enjoy about the game (mostly) they come to complain about things they don’t like. It’s an echo chamber.

That’s fine, you do you, but this is an RPG after all.

If everyone has everything, then no one is unique. And you have no classes. You just have similar characters.

Isn’t that what folks are complaining about right now? Everything feels too similar?

And the RPGs I play are most about character power games, not looks.

You’re going to get that camp but you’re also going to get the ‘normalise everything camp’ where people also suggest we can choose racial abilities too.

Best to just let them fight with each other :+1:

People still think racial abilities matter a damn, which is hilarious to me.

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it’s a game base on leveling up then gearing up to so you can do the hardest content you can. Of course there’s gonna be a meta. This isn’t pony island adventures. End of the day it’s up to you if you wanna follow the meta. Also at most cases meta only matter if you’re top of the top buying for world 1st. So why does it matter

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Exactly, which makes not gatekeeping said abilities that much more important.

I blame method and the like honestly.

They put out videos like “Best Healers ranked for M+!” and people go off that list like it’s gospel. Sorry, if you don’t play a healer like method X healer may not be better than Y healer for you.

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Also what about the covenant followers? Didn’t one of them in a specific covenant grant you the parry abilitiy, even if your class can’t do that?

“Blizzard! Why can’t I have the vampire covenant follower in my Night Fae covenant?”

Seriously, it’s getting absurd. They’re trying to dismantle what made the system unique, which is the choices offered for going with a certain covenant.

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Bears that can parry, that’s a scary thought.

A thousand times this, OP.

Tying cosmetics AND differing power levels to the same system is a bad call. They should be seperated.

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You seem pretty blind then. Yes there’s a lot of complaints, but maybe if you used your eyes you’d see the threads talking about playable races, stuff people want to see in future expansions, favorite zones, transmog, etc…

You just have a selective memory to suit your narrative. Sometimes, while the forums are stupid, even they get things right. And again, it’s not just the forums.

Also, gotta love how you ignored my response to your god-awful excuse as to why everything is perfectly okay because nobody on your server was complaining from what you could tell.

So answer me, why would I go to Orgrimmar and start talking about Azerite Armor in General Chat during Legion?


then I’ll just say I blame people’s stupidity over what top guild says. I rather have a player good at his class than a meta class w/ a bad player. But then again people who complain chances are both bad player and bad at their class

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It’s a cool thought which offers a really nice choice. But to give every covenant a follower who grants parry takes away the uniqueness of the covenant who does.

I actually saw a lot of that at the end of legion. People talk about upcoming expansions ALL the time in trade.

Just to give a bit of my perspective on something here, which may not have even been the entire conversation, but your comment made me think of this:

Everything is still similar. Now, it’ll just be generic talents locked to a faction and we won’t be able to change them without a long grind.

It matters when talents that help better in PvP or PvE can’t be swapped out like every other talent, essence, or Azerite trait can be.

Abilities should not be locked behind a faction and a long grind to change them.

Read your post.

Then read mine.

Did I say “End of Legion?”

The end of legion is during legion… it’s when most of the info is out. You can’t talk about something you don’t know anything about.

I’m talking like March time whenever alpha/beta came out, people were talking a lot about BfA.