Please let me choose covenant

Who says a majority are calling it anything? All day I just see people playing not complaining about anything, just enjoying their time.

Without knowing the soulbinds we have no clue.

Then you obviously aren’t seeing anything. Or just playing Classic. Which… is Classic.

We know about a few from Blizzcon.

Yeah I was hoping they would have made a shift from BlizzCon.

Cool new baseline abilities plus new class abilities sounds good to me, but aesthetics should be the guiding factor— especially when balance is on the line.

If you want to give warriors a giant spear to impale a group of enemies, give that ability to all warriors but, if a Necrolord for instance, make it a bone spike?


I play live mostly, just don’t give a crap about switching my forum character. On ZJ, no one really ever complaining, it’s mostly here, on these forums that i see complaining.

Some of the abilities we saw at blizzcon changed, it stands to reason that the soulbinds weren’t set in stone either, and “a few” is far from the whole system.

That sounds boring, it’s fun that there’s a choice in the matter and a lot of thought that will need to go into it, specially with soulbinds and how they may possibly interact with the abilities themselves.

Except it isn’t fun if it’s the abilities that define the covenant. Because then choice isn’t that much of a choice anymore.

It would be fun if the abilities had minimal impact, focused on customization/aesthetics, and players were locked (Yes, no switching) into one convenant. Otherwise we have a reskinned Azerite/essence system.

But minimal impact or utility is boring. You can’t please everyone so I’m going to keep arguing for them to stay as they are (or give all four abilities as a choice to each covenant with their own flair) until release.

It’s interesting to actually have a choice of ability for once and not have them be like “this is your ability, take it”

This is exactly how it is in Classic. Which many people loved because of the player agency offered.

In Classic you could be the min/max dwarf priest or the non dwarf option. The same thing is happening now. THe min/maxers want the ability of the dwarf priest, but don’t want to play a dwarf.

Well… too bad. To have fear ward you need to be a dwarf. That applies here. If you want a certain covenant ability, play that one. Like they’re making an RPG with choices… I thought people wanted that?

I actually really miss race specific priest abilities :frowning:

They’re going to be receiving a lot of feedback on this system, lets hope they listen. People generally like being able to choose based on aesthetics rather than the meta, so let’s not punish them for it.

Because they’re playing the game? The entire point of the forums is to discuss issues or topics of relevance.


But if you get both sides of the feedback who do you pick? I for one will be providing positive feedback all throughout if I get beta, because I like the way they set up the system.

Then why not just redesign the core class abilities? That’s where 90% of the fun should come from, how you play your class, right?

Having Covenants be an opportunity to be the introduction of “Class Skins” is—in my opinion—a really interesting idea. If I joined the Venthyr for instance and my spells go from nature to shadow, I sort of become the embodiment of a dark shaman. That’s not fun?

No one is being punished. You have a choice to base your choice on what is important to you.

Are you a PVPer? Is that important to you? Then go with the one with the best pvp abilities. Did you like the vampire story offered by another covenant? Go with that one.

This is like folks complaining one class has a silence and now in WoW nearly everyone has a silence. I mean god forbid we go back to having choices instead of everyone getting everything.

The majority of the minority of people who actually come to these forums don’t come because they have good things to say. The forums are and always have been mostly a negative cesspool of an echo chamber.

Not really, I’m not an aesthetic person, I don’t care how things look.

I’m planning to choose mine based on aesthetics anyway. I’d wager it would not matter unless you’re absolutely min/maxing.

Yet some of the most celebrated class design we had from MoP/WoD era was when everybody had everything

Do I have to spell this out? People playing the game are doing just that. Playing the game. They’re not complaining about issues because it isn’t relevant to what they’re doing.

For instance, would I, or anybody else, go to Orgrimmar and start talking about Azerite Armor during Legion? I wouldn’t. There’s no point.

You go to the forums because people are talking about issues or topics that aren’t in the game or are developing outside of it.

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So choose it based off of aesthetics. The people that will take advantage of what the talents offer and who will successfully squeeze out the minimal DPS for the high end content they do is the 1% .

You’ll survive.