Please let me choose covenant

No problem, I’m a healer. :smiley:

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I used to constantly get yelled at for not knowing who should have it and what all of the different effects were. Hated it with the fires of a thousand burning suns.

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There you go. A prefect example of why to not tie abilities to covenants.

By the way I gave you both Likes. :smiley:


Thats a pretty fair reason to dislike it. IMO that kind of ability in PvP is where it shines.


You seem to be putting too much emphasis on “Impacting Decisions” without actually putting real thought into it.
Impactful decisions are important yes, but those decisions shouldn’t be behind something that is a locked-in grind. They have tried things along the lines of this (actually not even as big as this) and it got horrible reception among the community. So why would you trust Blizzard/Ion to get it right? That’s just asking for Shadowlands to fail.

“Hey man, if u do this for me il give you some chicken”
1 month later
“Thanks man, heres your chicken, btw your only getting half of it now ;)”

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I’d prefer if the choice was permanent honestly

So you would prefer the game to die. Got it.

According the internet the games already dead. The game dying is just a meme. Casuals are what keep this game going and they aren’t going to care of their ability is mathematically the best.

Very very few people are going to be truly affected by the ability being powerful or not

So basically either

  1. your trolling just for the lols
  2. you have convinced yourself that locking in abilities to a hard grind that have a high chance of getting tuned (potentially greatly) to where it completely wrecks some, and becomes god’s gift for others is a good idea
    its like playing the BFA gear slot machine all over again!! BFA was a popular expansion right guys!!!
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BfA is a fun expansion right now, sucked at the beginning but now it’s great

And no, I’m not trolling, I like the way they are set up

bro, where’s your necrolord tramp stamp?

can’t come to this m+ without it

It’s funny that it only stopped sucking once they removed all the things that Res was talking about in regards to Covenants.

But I’m sure Covenants won’t have the same issues that stuff like Essences or Azerite Traits have.

Nah, it stopped sucking when they removed the yoyoing of losing rings on your gear. And corruptions are my favorite thing since legendaries

listen man if you like playing a rng slot machine where you either get an item that is trash or a god-tier item, live your dreams

not even considering the fact that most corruptions are poorly balanced

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Rng has been part of the game since day one, it’s just more fun now

it has been, but not to the extent that it is now, and even moreso less of an extent from a PVP point of view as well.

Well, they’ve already said a corruption like system will be in SL, so if it bothers you, the doors over there

thats pretty cute, but it will also be hilarious when the majority of the playerbase realizes this (if it truely is another corruption) and shadowlands becomes another bfa 2.0

once this happens you will be playing shadowlands with a total of 10 players in the NA region :slight_smile:

dont worry, atleast TBC is around the corner if shadowlands is bad

Nice hyperbole, there will continue to be millions playing

Maybe in China but not in NA :slight_smile: