Please let me choose covenant

And it’s generic stuff locked behind a story faction that we can’t change like we can currently change any of our essences, talents or traits. So not only boring, but also extremely time consuming if you find out you dislike it.

A talent row sounds more fun to me than being stuck with just one out of the four.

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And picking something that is only cosmetic means absolutely nothing to me /shrug.

I’m not even going to pick based off what’s best honestly, just which ability i like the interaction of more.

to each their own I guess.

But to make them talents would require a change in the talent system. And still leaves a lot of power in soulbinds anyway.

I think if anything I would be okay with the first covenant choice allowing you to get their ability easily and then unlock the others with some kind of grind or questline. After that only allow you to switch them when you go to that particular covenant and relearn it. This at least makes it more impactful per se without being devastatingly so IMO.

Still a problem with soulbinds though.

This I could get behind. Having a better way to swap them needs to exist. Because the minute Blizz changes how they work to balance things in a patch… is the minute people will suddenly find their fun ability got changed and now they hate it and they’re screwed.


Yep. If we could trust Blizzard to tune properly this wouldn’t be a real issue, but we all know that they just can’t do it.


Classes themselves are better balanced lately then ever before (aside from like 2-3 outliers)

Classes yes, systems not really. Corruption was poorly balanced, azerite also poorly balanced. Artifact trees were also a disaster once Blizzard changed classes because of a similar thing we are discussing here.

Players dumped a ton of time and resources into a single specs tree(covenants) and then when said spec(cov ability) got nerfed they were enraged because they had wasted a ton of time pouring resources into that azerite tree.

I guess you could say picking a spec in Legion was a pretty impactful decision since you would mostly be locked into one spec. That didn’t end up going that well.


Went fine for most people

Probably for the top players, who play mythic, they are pretty much locked in. What ever gives you the extra 3% dmg over the others. For normal players, it really doesn’t matter.

This would be true if it was only 3% but Blizzard misses the mark so much that they need to nerf things by 200% at a time. Also, in the case that an ability is not a throughput ability but is a utility ability this logic doesn’t stand at all.

Take the druid ability Kindred Spirits for example, this ability is essentially the return of symbiosis. This ability sounds way more fun than the others and will be my go too pick on my druid. While this ability may be way more efficient in PvP it might suck in comparison to the throughput options for raiding. Effectively gimping my druid in one scenario or the other. I don’t want this to be the case but it is the most likely scenario.


Covenants are bringing back Symbiosis for druids. I remember the last time we had it. It wasn’t always about dps or hps. Some fights you picked different classes to link with for the utility advantage. You can’t sim that. So with that I can see groups wanting a druid for Symbiosis in Mythic+, raids, PvP, and the tower. Their goes one’s choice. It’s already been decided by Blizzard.


Posted this at the same time I did pretty much. Well done.


Great mines think alike. :smiley:

I don’t know what little world you’re living in, but your little circle of friends isn’t “most people.” There was a rather huge stink about how much of a pain it was to get AP for other specs and how multi-spec unfriendly things were that they had to change some things up to at least make AP easier to get. And then because of that outcry, took away spec specific altogether this expansion.

Valdaram and Nightmove, please keep 6 feet apart. Ty. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


… I hated this ability so much. lol

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I loved it. Such a fun ability. :slight_smile:

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