Please keep the class restrictions

The lore is that they were raised specificlaly by the lich king and his death magic was more powerful. Or something. IT was weird and dumb even back then.

Zandalari monks are just Loa warriors who use hand to hand really. They’re separate from Pandaren trained monks.

Mag’har orc prest are actually encoutereed in Shadowmoon Valley in WoDs, but the new ones? Who knows. Before Legion did the class halls it was easier to mark priest of every class as just the leaders of whatever religious beliefs a race had. It’s a bit harder now but it works sometimes.

Lore been dead garbage for more than ten years.


Yeah I’m not sure why you would start whining about lore now after what happened in BfA and SL.

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people who want class restrictions gone are the same people who go to a movie only too see explosions, and fighting scenes.


People that play human hunters only like movies that are just as boring as their chosen race/class combo.

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Would you rather I be a high elf ranger named legolas?

An elf shooting a bow?

I rest my case.

It’s funnier to see gnomes shooting things without being recoiled back.

Or tauren ninjas personally. And you could make the lore work well if you are creative/smart enough.

Playing my Highmountain rogue as outlaw feels very natural. The mobility tool makes me feel like part of a mountain climber. His natural hunting/scout abilities make him good to scout ahead. He has blood totem customization which fit the defeating your opponent by any means necessary.

I imagine stuff like lightforged warlocks is like going to an exorcist movie and finding out a priest is actually a powerful demonic sorceror/spirit. I could wager there are many ways to spin combos for your personal stories on the characters you create. That is pretty good for an rpg. Given their is stuff like advanced civilizations, technology, magikc, time travel, high tech technology, space ships, interdimensional ships, and us having literal gods as friends.

A maghar orc warlock though will break some people’s immersion with all that other crazy stuff going on…

Just feels wrong seeing a light forged draenei casting fel n shadow spells…

Is the case that elves shooting a bow is boring?
Cause I can agree that watching someone shoot a bow is boring.

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My point is I don’t understand how you can look down your nose at someone who thinks all race/class combos are cool, imply they have no imagination by saying they only like movies with explosions and fight scenes, when you are literally playing the absolute most boring, unimaginative race/class combo this game has to offer.

I own guns and I’m human. I’m a human hunter. Much fantasy.

p.s. I have 2 horses and 6 dogs atm (don’t ask) so there’s my Stampede.

Hmmm I have played other rpgs where religious people are often disguised as masked evil sorcerors so I don’t see it as a big deal for a holy race to do that too.

Their intentions for being a warlock can be complex. Or a necessary evil sort of thing to fight the Legion. Don’t always have to fit a stereotype. They fought a war for hundreds of years. Maybe they even managed to convert some eredar to lightforged somehow…

That could be a backstory for some rpers.

I think something like the Mord Sith is cool if you like the sword of truth series.

I imagine wow can come up with interesting back stories. For such combos and new ncps down the line. We saw Xera almost even convert Illidan to be lightforged and he is a demonhunter. It would be interesting to see lightforged demonhunters too. Maybe with like an angelic demonform, we could see what may have happened to Illidan if she went through with it. That would have been nice, maybe a nice alternate universe thing to witness since we are seeing some time travel/infinite dragonflight stuff.

I’m judging them because majority of those people just wanna make the entire restrictions gone an say “screw the lore, it’s dead anyway”.

At least I tried to give a reasoning…

An me about being a human hunter?
We all have our reasoning, but me just being a human does not mean I am boring, if I need a race just to justify my fun, than that is stupid.

Each race in wow has there own way of being an op creature, tauren are vastly large an stronger, I play human, because I feel like I overcome more than others would in a certain situation.

It’d be like a gnome warrior killing an orc with nothing but a sword big enough to be a kitchen knife.
Or a tauren being able to sneak pass an entire base full of dwarves.

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Humans aren’t boring. The only people who make that assumption are jealous because we make the best chili fries

But what gives you the right to judge them? They didn’t make this decision. Blizzard could have continued to ignore players and kept restrictions in place but they didn’t so now you’re looking down on them because they finally get their wish?

I never knew you were so snobby.

This is how I look at this opening up of classes to different races idea. For a small backstory I played EQ for many many years and in that game they also have very strict class/race combos but ALL races could play with each other. What is different with THIS game are factions, if you want to play an elf Paladin for example YOU MUST BE HORDE if you want to play a elf Druid YOU MUST BE ALLIANCE, this is why I dont have a problem with them adding different classes to races that historically did not have access to those classes.

I’m not against more classes, I made a thread recently suggesting giving them at least a racial flavor of customization.

Just tired of the only reason they want the class restrictions gone is cause “lores dying”, it gets annoying hearing it an seeing it alot…

part of me doesn’t wow to die cause idk where to go… Or do if it’s gone completely…

Again, the players didn’t make this happen, Blizzard did, so how about you say they like movies with explosions, fighting scenes and no plot?

I’ve been fighting against all race/class combos for years but it was a lost cause as soon as a nelf druid could pick an undead skin and eye color in the barber shop. So me wanting tauren mages, rogues and locks isn’t because I’m going “lol lore’s dead”, it’s just me making a decision. Either I quit because Blizzard went too far or I look at the bright side of things, which is more tauren and HMT alts. I’m looking forward to getting my tauren and HMT DH soon too.

^^ That doesn’t mean I only like movies with explosions and fight scenes because I have no imagination. That means I’ve decided I’m going to accept it.

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Well you enjoy what you want then.
I’m gonna clear my head now.

or at least take a look at that quest I heard for the newer locks

They definitely CAN use fel magic but they would become outcasts if they did. This is different from the idea of nightleven paladins, they are just not used to the concept but shouldn’t have any real problems accepting paladins if they had them. They may actually pick up this class from their allies. This was actually done in the Legion expansion’s paladin class hall where two nightelven paladins join them.

I had no idea that nightelf druids could choose an undead skin, that is just weird. Fur or feathers however are OK in my book.