Please keep the class restrictions

Gnome druids with mecha magic cutting down forests. That’s where we’re heading.

Think we already have tauren rogues riding flying kittens.

In the modern age of the game, I say it is restricting of class/race combos that is partly to WoW’s population decline. Though to what percentage, I don’t know, but it also plays some part, especially when there is so many MMO’s that doesn’t have any class/race restrictions.

Yes, I agree. Class and race restrictions should remain.

Well, go play one of those MMOs then.

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class fantasy requires me to have access to all classes for all races

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I’ll play what I want to play, not what you want me to play.

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It’ll ruin the game!

I won’t be able to tell what kind of filthy Elf I’m being racist towards if ALL of them can be Ret Paladins.

Ugh, game ruined.


Female and non-Nelf druids already made class/race restrictions a joke since vanilla.

There’s lots of other stuff that’s a kick in the junk to immersion. Why are gnomes playing melee classes? They should have to use magic or guns to yeet orcs over 4x their mass.

But if we’re gonna be like XIV with its mighty Lalafell warriors you might as well skip past the half-measures.

Ok, then stop complaining.

Yes it does…again I ask, if our characters are special they why are we restricted by race/class combos?

The lore is why i play wow thats why the game is fun a game without lore or a story is what makes it boring and letting every race use all classes basically chucks out the lore that made the game in the first place there are lore is why some races cant be warlocks

Ah yes, what a challenge. To click on ‘Tauren’ instead of ‘Orc’ when it comes to playing a class.

I too remember when Thunder Bluff got a Mage Tower and started to float around like Dalaran. Those Bloodhoofs, leaders in the arts of the Arcane.

I rather have ESO, FF14, and Guild Wars 2 Model of Classes. Thanks. Kind of tried of the Restrictions really.

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The lore flew the coop about 16 years ago.

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Sit down, forum alt. The superior class is getting its due attention.

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Just like rules, the lore is meant to be broken.

Happens to every wonderful fantasy universe.

This is the way.

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For the PC, yes, the rules are meant to be shattered over a knee. The lore is background flavor, meant to provide context against the characters of a particular scene. Why does this character have these quirks or unusual features? Those questions may not have immediate answers, but the existence of those features don’t immediately invalidate the lore. This may be a rare subversion, a once-in-a-lifetime thing. For someone as unique as the PC, it fits.


You can play the old combos still. It’s not like it’s taking the old combos away. It’s just letting people play more…

I could imagine a setting where gnome warriors cannot spec as tanks, the talent tree would just not be there.

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Please, point out where in the holy texts it says that draenei and night elves physically cannot use fel magic or shadow magic.

Sweeps Demon Hunters and Shadow Priests under the floor.

Neither of those options being added is a bad thing, nor is it ‘bad’ for lore. Describing both the Draenei and Night Elves as people who ‘hate Fel and demons more than anything’ describes literally every vanilla race. There’s no functional reason they can’t have their own outcasts, and there have been Nelf and Draenei warlocks as NPCs as far back as TBC.

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