Please keep the class restrictions

This is world of warcraft making classes available for all races would ruin the game.

If i wanted to play a game where i can do that i would of played rift but i dont because it was boring wasnt challenging at all having restrictions on classes available to certain races it gives a challenge to players.

Now making classes available for every race makes the old and now lore pointless to tell because theres no point in telling it


This wont end well.


It’s already baked. They announced it. They won’t go back, even if some of them might like to. They never have in the past. No reason to assume this time will be any different. Just another deep cut into the arteries of what was once an excellent franchise.

Short of someone like Chris Metzen condemning it and doing a hard cross-check, it’s done.


Its 2023, restricting class by race is very early 2000s and is purely cosmetic at this point. We want modern games and more choice, if you want class restrictions, there is always WoW classic that you can go play.


I know ive played games where classes was available for all races didnt make it fun or special thats why i stuck with wow

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More classes for more races pls.


Look at how the NGE worked out of Star Wars Galaxies as well.

It’s just another step a company takes as they approach the end.

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Yeah, I’m just gonna unsub until I get Pandaren DH’s.

Goblin Druids and Paladins.

Gotta allow for the combos I want.

They are killing what’s left of the game. Anyone who think it’s an overreaction doesn’t know what desperate companies do, nor have they seen other dying MMOs (they do this too.)

It’s called desperation.


How so?

How does restricting race/class combos make the game a challenge? lmao

There are already lore-breaking race/class combos playable as it is, lil late for that.


So you’re for it, if you get what you want.
Makes sense.


Just because you jumped off a cliff and survived, doesn’t mean you should do it again.


Faulty logic, care to try again?

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If you couldn’t understand it the first time, word simplification won’t help the second time.


I mean there where games that had classes available for all races they had in game and after awhile it got boring like rift ive played it for awhile and it wasnt fun having to pick and choose didn’t add a challenge to adapt to what is available like wow classes certain races has a buff that benefit a certain class more them other races

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Still waiting for you to show how restricting race/class combos adds a challenge to the game, whereas more variety is somehow bad and unchallenging.


actually on the PTR there is a short questline featuring some of the new warlock races and they go into why they decided to become warlocks

Yea true my realm slowly went dead after wrath

Honestly. I’m thinking this reminds me way too much of the War of Thorns, and the whole mess with Delaryn Summermoon or w/e her name was if that’s not it. The NPC dies to the Forsaken. Gets up again and is fanatically loyal to Sylvanas.

When said NPC is asked something to the tune of this is offered as the ‘reason’.

“Now’s not the time to ask why one serves the Forsaken, < Player Name >.”

I simply think… “No, now is the PERFECT time to explain it you hack fanfic writer.”

So given the words of employees on their social media accs, I have to assume this is either straight up franchise assassination by people mad about having to come back to the Office, or something that showcases that as a core company Blizzard does not give a crap about the franchise. Which means I should probably not give a crap either.

Mag’har have been billed for 14 years as being the non-Fel tainted / non-Fel using Orcs.

It was Garrosh’s big plot arc too. So… if that’s a bust… what was the point again?


if anything, can we please get quality lore?

for example with druids - i think any new race added to the dream should have very good quality writing explaining how and why this happened.

this is just one example - because Shamans & druids don’t “control” nature magic…they borrow its power by calling upon it - nature doesn’t not always answer these calls…so now they have to write how all of a sudden nature is going to trust goblins, who have destroyed it for centuries…can’t wait to play through that 5 minute scenario


I mean having classes available for all races would make the class less special