Please keep the class restrictions

Would a shadow paladin since shadow is part of light

I mean that no can be toward you. They are sort of working on lore. Like shadowlands lore can help explain lightforged warlocksā€¦

You know how all the magic in the universe used to be one typeā€¦

Makes the fusing of magic sources sort of make sense since itā€™s natural to the world and was the origin of such things.

Anyways you donā€™t need to play these combos, you can stick to the old ones if you want.

Youā€™re hopeless. Another typical forum snowflake. Go run back to twitter and tumbler.

That mainly has to do with design limitation. To my knowledge, itā€™s understood that Night Elf priests donā€™t actually use holy light, even though thats what the spell names are and the visual effects are.

Itā€™s always been understood from my point of view that they use Eluneā€™s light, rather than the generic holy light. In that sense theyā€™d be Priestesses of Elune instead, but the devs donā€™t want to rename and re-visualize all the spells. it would be terrible confusing.

In the same vein, Tauren paladins use Ansheā€™s light, rather than generic holy light.

If they did allow for race-specific visual effects, thatā€™d be awesome but I doubt that will ever happen.


Yeah it could. But doesnā€™t mean your not going to get push back, or that I think this thinking is going to cost Blizzard a lot more than they take. Orcs are the core of Warcraft. Slit the wrists of their story or change it at your peril. You might just find your the only one playing.


We live in a world where saying ā€œnoā€ is tantamount to torture, evidently. And companies will never commit to ā€œnoā€, theyā€™ll just say ā€œnot in the foreseeable futureā€.

Itā€™d be like if a dungeon master in DnD said ā€œYesā€ to every single thing the players asked. Itā€™d destroy the game for everyone else playing it who wants to be transported to/immersed in a world.

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this is hilarious suggesting that this would be the straw breaking the camelā€™s back. do you know how ridiculous saying ā€œuhh yeah actually having more playable options is a bad thing and would stop me from playing.ā€ is? we both know youā€™ll forget about this outrage and do nothing.

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look up WoW cosmology.

I actually hope that happens because it makes more sense lore wise and adding certain spell that only that race can use

Good lord, thereā€™s a lot of lukewarm iqs being represented here. Bless their hearts.

Then I must be strange because when I say no, I expect it adhered to in my work place. If the employee push back, then I tell them to pack. If they attackā€¦ Well, I give it right back.

Nifty little rhyme. Quite sublime. :slight_smile:

It used to be that way. Undead Priests had devouring plague when no one else could.

It added flavor to a race that many would question why they could even be priests in the first place.

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If you gonna insult people dont bother typing your opinions on here

They killed the factions. No point keeping class restrictions.

I have like two orcs. A blackrock monk. And a og shaman for the heritage armor. Doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t want to play a blackrock warlock or shattered hand orc warlockā€¦ Those clans fit warlock very nicely aesthetically and culturally.

My most played classes are like zandalari/nightborne/dranei. So honestly the more classes I could play as those the better for me.

See exactly. And people arenā€™t getting that I would be completely fine with the two offending race / class combos if there were things like a blood red / black Chaos Bolt Option and Drain Life. Because Bleeding Hollow Dark Casters ARE a thing.

Ditto if the Lightforged was using reformed or Lightforged Demons. But the problem a lot of us have, is we know Blizzard. We also know how much effort they put in to this sort of thing. It isā€¦ and always has beenā€¦ minimal.

But unless your going to kill 15 years of story, Fel and Chaos magic turns Orcs Green.

The End.


I actually said, sometime after they added Lightforged Death Knights, that if they ever added Draenei/LF Warlocks, Iā€™d be out. (It may be ironic coming from someone named ā€œCantaloupeā€, but Iā€™m probably a bit more invested in the setting itself than someone named Weedgoku.)

Weā€™ll see how long it is, but I feel like Iā€™m taking a WoW vacation. Might try XIV again

ā€œDonā€™t insult people!ā€

Proceeds to insult people based on realm.



It make sense from the original orcs from outland too

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I mean you insult me first so it fair game dude

I mean they added demon customization too. One day we might get lightforged demons as options. I am hoping for stuff like wicker beasts too for kul tiran. And the tiki imps that troll warlock trainer has for my troll warlock.

They can do so much with demon skins like arcane constructs/mechicals for lightforged/dranei and get us the wakener lore.