Please keep the class restrictions

If anything playing the old race combos would make them more special, as people that aren’t forced to play the few races will lower their numbers.

I have some og class combos I still play like my undead warrior. She’s still freaking awesome. Let people play their favorite races with the classes they like.

I personally can’t wait for goblin paladins and finally being able to play a dranei warlock, been wanting that since I started making alliance characters. I will now be able to make a pandaren warlock which I’ve also wanted since MoP, pandaren have nice casting/melee animations. And warlocks have nice tanking pets.

Playing an evil sorcerer pandaren will be awesome. Although I am debating between maghar, highmountain and pandaren… for my horde servers. Been wanting blackrock warlocks for a long time too.


There is no argument. You just have a limited imagination and your complaint is invalid.

“Division of the races is a good thing, actually” - Vorithal

well i mean if Priests use void magic and holy why can’t void elves be paladins? void elves are basically just blood elves which can be paladins that were corrupted or some bs with the void.

only huge difference between priests/paladins are Priests believe in Balance between the 2 holy/void where as paladins just look at holy.

What flavour? Racism? Fascism? If you know storytelling then you should know that “flavour” doesn’t come in restrictions but in creativeness. Clearly you have no idea about worldbuilding. Go and play DnD or any other kind of RP environment so that you can actually learn what worldbuilding is about.

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It’s not like you cant come up with your own character stories for the RP either…
The pandaren of the wandering isles are naturally curious by lore. They finally dabbled in fel magic. You would think their curious nature they would have done it a while back but they been in the horde for a while now.

Warlocks also aren’t normal folks in society. They are sort of antiheroes by design. Since vanilla they put warlock trainers in more secluded places not really public generally.

Why would a sun god grant holy power though?

Wouldn’t they grant like, Fire?

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We gotta face it

People who have some genuine care to the fabric of Warcraft as a setting and race lore in general are in the vast minority, and Blizzard will always cater to the people going “BLIZZ GIVE ME [thing that is unjustifiable in lore]. I WILL BUY LEVEL BOOST, I WILL BUY RACE CHANGE”

It’s all about the money.


Your arguments is invalid your from moon guard so it makes sense

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Gameplay mechanics dont equal lore. The only reason that void elves have priests is because it has a shadow spec. Same reason why lightforged can be shadow priests. Blizzard isn’t going to lock people out of a spec. Paladin on the other hand does not have a shadow spec and thus makes zero sense.


Thats what it feels like honestly


Light magic… we get light from the sun. The sun isn’t on fire, its more of a whole ton of nuclear reactions going on with very hot high pressure plasmas O.o

In WoW the sun can literally be a first one structure/literal god.

An’she is said to be elune’s brother. Elune is speculated by Khadgar to have made the Naaru. There are connections that make Tauren paladin make sense in that sense.

I have no idea why I see this recurring theme in the forums trying to bully people off of WoW by trying to invalidate their opinion just because they have an opposing opinion than you.


learning new things from different races you’ve been fighting and living alongside of is unjustifiable? i would really dread having to sit down and play tabletop with some of you people if you are this creatively bankrupt


Pvp will never be balanced it always a pain to get good gear and mastering the class you pick

We still have to watch 15+ years of lore from BC onward, hundreds of quests, and story beats now be ignored simply so some selfish gits can race-change, and for the sole purpose of rubbing it into other people’s faces.

More options are great. Not when they destroy the story and game itself.

Sometimes it’s alright to tell people “No”.


I dont know either this is one of many of problems that wow has thats why people barley play

that has nothing to do with gameplay mechanics it’s all lore. you can literally look up the concepts of Priests and paladins. that is their beliefs lore wise. same thing with UD being Holy makes no sense because lore wise Holy hurts them and can kill them and they are mainly shadow because of it but gameplay wise yes it does nothing.

i did not say Paladin had a shadow spec o.O i said they don’t believe in the light and only that where as priest believe in both holy and void as a balance.

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there’s plenty of examples of how messing with established IP def goes wrong…

star wars universe, marvel universe, Game of Thrones/LotR…i can go on…

that’s why you don’t want to remove horde/alliance, or just open up classes for no reason…anyway guess we’ll see what happens…hope i’m right in saying that it would be a mistake to do so, because they’d be unable to turn back! ever!

The changes are making the long-term WoW players leave. I’ll be leaving myself if they continue down this route. It seems like it’s on purpose.

Everything they’ve done tells me they want to make money at ALL costs, integrity be damned.

I guess they’ll have to find out for themselves if people who don’t read quest text, and skip all cinematics, will keep this game afloat.

It’s not Mario Odyssey- the gameplay isn’t amazing without the lore supporting it.