Please keep the class restrictions

Can’t wait to have a tauren warlock named Bulldan


Yea a goblin druid wouldn’t make much sense either

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what does “special” even mean?

You are several expansions too late, doomsayer.

Clearly blizzard doesn’t care anymore. Just like the Hearthstone devs, it seems the WoW devs are trying to destroy what’s left before the Microsoft deal goes through and fires them all.


I totally forgot about that how long until its finalized

I mean you can just not play the new race/class combos if you dont’ want to…


It mean not all races can do the class that you play like DH and Evoker class

their lives are empty without having something to feign outrage at

looks at undead priests, hunters, worgen dks, zandalari monks, orc priests, night elf mages, tauren paladins
no problem here :slight_smile:

looks at more warlock races

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All races should be all classes. Stop with this ridiculous whining, it’s a fantasy game, the purpose of a fantasy RPG is to immerse in a fantasy world where anything can happen. Restrictions are the worst thing for a fantasy set-up.

If you really think that way then you’re the same kind of retrogade that thinks that blacks, whites, asians,etc… are not meant to be able to work the same jobs in real life, a.k.a a fascist


So you’d be perfectly fine with Pandaren Demon hunters, Goblin Druids, and Orc Paladins?

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People actually complaining about more options and still crying “MUH LORE”? There is no lore that says any of these race/class combos isn’t possible besides void elf paladins. Societal views are not lore, you :clown_face:

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The undead priest and hunter would made sense because they where once humans before the scourge
The worgen Dk never made sense because from lore curse of undeath shouldn’t effect them
Night elves had mages before the great sundering and the war in the lores
Zandalari monks and orc priest i dont get why lore wise especially the tauran paladins

The first time I saw a Tauren mage I was SO confused.

It’s explained in the lore, Tauren Paladins get their power from Anshe the sun god

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Who’s to stop the illidari to train new reclutes? Who’s to say that an outcast pandaren can’t try to become a DH an succeed? Again, this is a fantasy world, the imagination is the limit. That’s not the same as saying to put everything just because, with proper story-telling it should happen. Class restrictions are archaic now, that’s just a format that doesn’t make sense in a game where your character is supposed to be able to be whatever you want it to be. That’s the point of an RPG, what do you think the R stands for?


If you gonna make a argument dont insult people and add society into this you make yourself a :clown_face:


the only issue i see with lifting class restrictions, is rp (and possibly pvp balance… not that that’s ever gone well in the first-place). but honestly, if someone can write their backstory well enough, it should’nt be a problem.

Because when you break down the barriers that divide races, you remove the flavor. Worldbuilding is a critical part of storytelling in any mmo. You know, storytelling? The RP in RPG that you like to tout so much?