Please keep the class restrictions

Yes, people do play for the lore, and at least used to be the main driver for the roleplaying aspect of the game. Now, at this point, the lore has been shat upon over and over and over, so realistically, yea it doesn’t matter at this point. What this does imply however for apparently the two or three people who did/still do play the game for the lore, is that it will never go back to its roots of what made WoW World of Warcraft. As far as the desperation argument, I would be inclined to agree(to an extent)as a change of this nature would also imply they want more people to make more new characters, I.E. play more.

Racial and class lore is all but dead. All aboard the dead lore train! Next stop gnome shamans and paladins. /CHOO CHOO



player characters are OUTSIDE OF THE LORE we are the ultimate game play mechanic adding more classes to us should not and I would argue will not affect the lore of NPC cultures and races the 2 things are =/=. If YOU want to restrict your toons to the racial and cultural restrictions then you can do that, but that isnt enough for people with your viewpoint, you not only want to control YOUR character you want to control OURS and I am sorry I do not pay for the game nor play it for your benefit.

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That’s the spirit! WOO!! I got my Gnome pally name saved AND my Goblin druid name saved!<3
:dracthyr_yay_animated: :revolving_hearts: :dracthyr_uwu:


Go play FF or literally any other fantasy game that allows for full freedom of race/class choice then. Why continue pushing to further ruin Warcraft when you already have so many other options? If you don’t care for the lore then you have no special reason to be attached to WoW. Go elsewhere.

And what happened in the end? Oh yeah they freed him and he was the “chosen one” and everyone was cool with it.

Right, because it actually had a story arch and was written to make sense. Weird how things can work with just a tiny pinch of effort…

But again, it doesn’t matter. I don’t expect WoW devs to try anymore.

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Restrict yourself!

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I’m for it IF there’s a reason for it. Not just because.

Like a Cata 2.0 would be nice. Add lore to these races to justify the combo’s.

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I’m not fighting Deathwing again.

The lore died after WCIII, stop clowning. Of course people play for the lore, even if it is mottled and disjointed.

Mortals can attain the power to fell gods, but being certain classes because of their race is beyond them.

Makes a lot of sense.


We’re getting awfully close to it even in the current tier.
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear :dracthyr_tea:

This will further kill game socialization. When abilities are restricted, it requires you to go actively seek that class.

I enjoyed EQ when you had to have certain classes to do an encounter. Sometimes you absolutely had to have an enchanter for CC. Other times you absolutely had to have a paladin tank, sometimes you had to have a necro to banish certain undead, sometimes a rogue, as they were the only class to unlock a certain dungeon door, etc. It made it more social, as you needed to hire (invite) specific classes. Everyone had a unique value.

Now, eventually we will all be cookie cutter players, each the same as everyone else. Classes were based in origin to have UNIQUE abilities. Why have classes at all if we will all get the same stuff?

Why not? Especially if it was fun and you survived.

But you are playing RNG. THIS time you rolled high and survived. Next time you could roll low and die. There is a big difference in the analogy.

(For purposes of honest divulgence, I have also jumped off many a fun bridge in my youth. Thank god I rolled high…)

Cool, but how does it being 2023 have any bearing on class restrictions? I don’t see the relevance. I’m sure you could have lived just as well without Lightforged Draenai warlocks ruining lore.


I mean, cliff jumping is literally something that people do for sport. If you know it’s a safe jump to make and you enjoyed it, there’s no reason you shouldn’t do it again just because you could “roll low” when you know the possibility of doing so is very slim.

You’re forgetting the other half of that equation; situations where a class was unwanted or unviable.

I’d rather have a bit of same-y gameplay if it means I don’t have to worry about missing out on content just because I chose ‘wrong’ at character creation.

no give me void elf paladins