Please just remove deserter

I have queued for hundreds, if not thousands, of dungeons and LFRs since wrath, and I can think of one time when someone was vote kicked and I sat back and thought, “That was 100% uncalled for.” And I said as much in chat, too.

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People can absolutely be weird or dumb when it comes to kicks. I once got voted to be kicked, because the tank didn’t like that myself and the priest were chatting happily while running Razorfen Downs. LOL

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I can remember just one time since the start of Cata it’s happened to me, and after initially being frustrated, I realized I could have communicated with the group, just like OP should be learning here.


Yep. I’ve been the kicker and the kicked. It sucks having to do it at all, and it sucks having it done to you. Admittedly, when I got kicked a couple of times in the past, I deserved it. I wasn’t a good person back then. :sweat_smile:

I can only count the amount of times I’ve been kicked unjustly on one hand, and not even a full hand. In my opinion, when that happens, the group/raid in question wasn’t worth dealing with anyway if their reason for kicking me was bonkers.

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Yeah, I was vote kicked once when I took too long to load into the dungeon. I get it - they probably thought I was afking.

except what was being discussed wasnt the validity of the kick but the added 30min debuff on top of the punishment of being removed.

Hey I’m still waiting for the days when “insert MMO here” is going to “kill WoW”.

But sure, you keep waiting for Blizzard to play chicken here with all the “scores of freshies and lowbies quitting enmasse because of this”.

Outside of my experience— and that kick didn’t even go through, the group kicked the tank instead for trying to kick me— I’ve never personally seen one for someone else. I honestly rarely ever see kicks at all. And most get voted down when I’ve seen them happen.

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Seconding this.

Back during BfA I queued into Stormstout Brewery for the first time and had a Guardian Druid.

Dude sat down in the entrance hall and demanded we kicked him.

I was a new player at the time and didn’t understand what was happening until one of the other DPS justifiably called the guy a jerk.

People like that are why kicks get the debuff.


I almost always vote them down unless the person being kicked is an absolute jerk. Otherwise I’d rather just get the dungeon over with. Like if someone is AFK, I don’t really care. I’ve done too many dungeons without healers or tanks to care at this point.


I agree with the OP, but I also understand why the system was implemented.

I would suggest tweaking the system a bit and making it so the first time you’re kicked in the day you don’t get punished.

Successive kicks would give you the deserter buff.

In my mind, this would work well because you only get randomly kicked by griefers once in a blue moon.


Yeah, same. It’s incredibly rare in dungeons in my experience, particularly leveling dungeons.

In BFA I saw a dps get kicked after a boss fight in a heroic junkyard, and I can only assume it was because of their very low dps. I was so angry - I was the healer and way over geared for it and basically laid into the other 3 people for kicking them, as if we needed the extra dps. That’s the only time I ever saw a fully unjustified (to me) kick. They weren’t dying or screwing up mechanics. They were just undergeared. I even tried whispering them later to queue with them, but they were offline by that time. :frowning:

an elegant solution, wonders why Blizzard didnt make it work like that in the beginning… sounds like a no brainer. nah easier to just code everyone gets deserter and call it a day.


Yep, exactly. Stuff happens, people have bad loading screens, kids need something, dog needs to go out, etc. I don’t much care.

Most of time, no one else seems to either in my runs. Majority of the boatloads of leveling dungeons I’ve been in since LFD was implemented have never seen a VTK.

They kicked you. So yes they did.

People always complain about the lost of “community” in WoW, but no one bothers to actually communicate.

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Because that’s still one time people can harass, hold hostage or troll a group. And that adds up.

So no, it’s not an elegant solution.

In that case you can report them and have Blizzard punish them.

Easy peasy.

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I usually abstain from votes to kick and let everyone else decide unless I know there’s an issue. The other day in LFR, there was someone clearly leeching, aka not participating. Pretty sure they were hanging back at the entrance the entire time. They ended up winning a piece of loot. The rest of the raid wasn’t about to let that happen again. lol

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The craziest part about this is everyone’s talking about what Blizzard should do to appease people who get kicked, no one’s talking about what the people who get kicked can do to not get kicked.

Like all OP had to do was communicate with his group in a polite manner and he wouldn’t have gotten kicked.

there it is again. harass hostage troll. better abuse the system to give innocent people 30 minutes of wasted time in the offchance someone decides to be a butthead once a day.

also, you cant be “held hostage”, you are free to exit stage right at any point. its a mouse click and leave group away.

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