Please just remove deserter

To start, follower dungeons are DF Normals only. I don’t think we know what’s planned after that.

LOL… I don’t even have words for how ridiculous this sounds.

“I’m in a 5 man group to work as a team, THEY should leave if they don’t like what I did without saying anything and four people don’t want to run with me!”



Yes, and DF normals will sit in the spot that BFA normals sit now come TWW: For new players to experience by default, and for vets to choose as their leveling timeline. I think it’s a safe extrapolation that they will maintain their follower dungeon support.

This is a valid counterargument against the “majority rule” point. I don’t know if it’d be as high as 90%, but it’s definitely up there.

Due to the nature of RDF, people are often either newer players who don’t know what they’re clicking or in a rush to complete the content and just want to get the box off their screen even if they know it’s a vote kick for someone in their group. Some people figure that if someone cared enough to initiate a kick then it must be valid, so instead of reading the chat, they take the lazy way and just click yes. Because why not? The person who got kicked, assuming they were DPS, will just get replaced instantly anyway.

Yes, selfish and toxic players like that exist.

Yep, I agree that their proposal was better than what we currently have. But don’t expect the forum regulars/keyboard warriors to give you an inch on this issue.

But we don’t know if that’s going to translate over to the low leveling experience. That’s all I’m saying.

For all we know, they’ll do something weird like, “we only want follower dungeons to be for current content Normals only.”

I mean… it is Blizz. I don’t trust them. LOL

I suppose I understand your cynicism, but for me I saw it as them doing this now purely because DF is about to cover level 10+.

Of course, it’s ridiculous, but so is what the OP experienced.

Are you still ignoring that proposal someone gave earlier in the thread? :rofl:

No idea! They haven’t given too much info or anything on why or what their plan is.

I am used to all dungeons having a story mode option in other games, but those others also have a lot less dungeons. I do think story modes are a good thing, though. I’ve been asking for them for ages. :slightly_smiling_face:

just sounds like you want to be the arbiter of content, kicking any and all you deem unworthy, heaping more punishment upon their shoulders for those who dare enter your precious dungeon and try to complete it in a way you do not personally approve of.

“Peasants, shall not activate mechanics unless they come before me on bent knee and beg ‘please my liege, may I use the instant kill mechanic’ and kiss my ring”



This is gold.

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Yes. Because it’s a bad proposal that fixes nothing. People can still hold groups hostage and get kicked without recourse.

The system as it stands now is what needs to exist. Blue post was already posted in finality to this. There is no “fix” that will make this “better.”

Dumb reason to be kicked or not, it was still a reason. They didn’t want to play with the OP. They don’t have to. This situation of the OP’s is so rare, it’s not a systemic problem that needs solved.

I won’t go around in circles about this again, so I’ll just leave it there.

How am I the arbiter of anything? LOL

This just sounds like you want to blame me for other people being toxic. You do you, boo. Not even reading further after that nonsense.

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My apologies. I didn’t realize you were given the title of grand master of the crystal of Violet Hold.

Seems to reason at least 3 people thought OP did a no no. Even if 2 just wanted the box to be gone, it still proves they cared to little about his fate to not even give it a moment’s thought.

And yes, having main character syndrome in group content, no matter how trivial, is likely to find you with a free teleport back to your queue spot and 30 minutes to think about your actions.

because WoW players are totally not notorious for clicking yes without even reading the reason behind the vote kick.

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That sucks, OP. I was kicked from a Timewalking dungeon once because it took forever for me to load in. When I finally did load in, I said in chat, “Sorry, took a while to load, im on my way!” and about 10 seconds later I was kicked. It was super frustrating, but I couldn’t really blame them.

I don’t vote to kick folks from any leveling dungeons unless they’re just straight up jerks. Most of those can be solo’d anyway, so even someone afk a while I basically ignore. And I always read VTK windows.

That said, I think the deserter debuff might be a tad long - to me, 15 minutes would suffice for a first kick. But apart from that, I don’t have an issue with the way it’s designed. Sure, it sucks if you’re on the receiving end and don’t deserve it, per se.

Don’t conflate explaining the way something works with agreeing with how people utilized it.

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Well, I disagree. And OP is a good example of why. Sometimes crap happens, these aren’t toxic players, and they shouldn’t have to suffer deserter on the first kick.

And it’s not like blues, who are people too, can’t change their minds on things. There are examples of blues changing their minds in the past. When they made that decision, the toxic behavior you referenced was an epidemic. It’s currently not an epidemic, and there’s no evidence it would be again if a slightly less strict policy was implemented.

I wish you’d stop parroting this false point, since we don’t know what their actual feelings were towards the OP. Clicking yes doesn’t always means something due to the nature of RDF.

You don’t have the numbers to say how rare or uncommon it is. I know in the past I’ve been kicked for seemingly no reason. Sure it was very rare, but still. And even if you know the reason, as OP did, it’s not always fair or justified, especially when many people just click yes without thinking.

Might be due to your post history. You come off a bit gate-keepy and always the first in big threads to try and win an argument punching down on someone down on their luck. Forum lurkers know who you are.

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you press button, things die. so unless you are going for the achievement, which can easily be stated pre-pull of dungeon. there is zero reason to not hit them.

You sure about that? I read most of his posts in this thread. He seems pretty toxic.


For defending himself? I didn’t read the entire thread - quote the toxic ones?

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I have no idea what you’re talking about. The crystals?

Because I am referring to your comment to Sendryn - who has explained the VTK system and the history about why it is the way it is. That explanation does not mean that Sendryn personally agrees with the way people choose to apply it or that they would do the same in that scenario.


I am very tired and my memory isn’t what it used to be, but I am like at least 63.2240033482% sure I did mention the liklihood that even the ones deciding his fate may have cared so little to just click to make the box go away.

But the reality is that yes button is just as easy to click on as the no button and regardless, they all “agreed” OP deserved a kicking. They could’ve just kicked him for being whatever race he is or for mogging or not mogging his gear or because he has a dumb name or literally any petty reason they want. Blizzard literally does not care. They don’t care today and they didn’t care all the way back in 2004. They don’t care if it’s a dungeon and they don’t care if it’s a raid. Your group or leader decides you’re no longer worthy to be in their group, then you will be forced to leave that group.

Again, I gave rules for pugging and doing LFG content. I’m not gonna type them or scroll up to find them. Basically, shut your mouth and do what you’re told if you’re told. Otherwise just stay with the group and hit what they hit.

Anecdotal. Most of the kicks I’ve seen in lowbie dungeons that were initiated usually fail. Unless someone is being insanely toxic, I’ve never seen a vote kick go through. So we have no idea how many people pay attention or not to the pop up.

It’s possible no one did in this circumstance. It’s also possible that the comment about the crystal to the OP was seen by the rest of the group and they decided to vote yes.

In the end, dumb or not, the system has to work this way. Even confirmed by a blue.

You people are so weird. I don’t pay any attention to post histories and don’t remember people to make strange personal attacks like that. Geebus, maybe spend less time obsessing. LOL

Not even worth a conversation if that’s what you’re devolving to.

Exactly. Thank you.