Please just remove deserter

So you admit to being a griefer then complain about the punishment? Should be 30 days not 30 minutes…

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Please tell me how clearing a dungeon faster is griefing. Please.

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you’re the one that’s arguing that you were kicked for no reason… please keep up with your own arguments.


Yes…and that undeserving kick leads to a deserter debuff… You’re missing the forest for the trees. Why is this difficult for you?

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Actually vote kicking is literally me being the judge. We’re all judges in this and the actual fact is the “victim” can be removed for any reason or no reason. Again, it takes a majority act and in the world of a 3 man group queuing together, it takes all 4 and in the world it is a 4 man group queueing, it IS their group for all intents and purposes.

You did a left of bell curve thing and got punished. If I was in the group and you did that, I would’ve said no but I’d also not have cared if it went through. You could’ve just stayed behind me and waited the few seconds. The crystals are good for the water boss and if the water boss isn’t up, it’s perfectly fine to zap the last portals after the 2nd boss otherwise. It’s a very miniscule thing, but you are the one technically wrong here.

Learn your place. Learn your lesson. Soon enough you’ll have AI partners who don’t care how left of bell curve you are to play with (least in modern content).


it’s for the greater good.


This. I was around during Cataclysm, and all I can say is if you got Vortex Pinnacle you were sitting there until about 10+ tanks were kicked because they’d just sit there and refuse to do the dungeon.

They didn’t add the deserter debuff for being kicked for no reason. If they removed the debuff for being kicked, this would happen again.


Good God, you’re a genuinely insufferable person. Do you act like this in real life? I sincerely hope not.

Yes, I remember this too. That’s why the proposed fix above would work out fairly well. Yeah, it’d take 2 kicks for a real punishment to kick in, but how can people think that’s worse than innocent people being punished immediately?

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Not really. Because people would eventually run out of kicks which resulted in the tanks that didn’t want to do the dungeon holding the group hostage even longer. Suggesting anything which makes people kick someone who holds the group hostage so they don’t get a debuff, even if it’s just one time, is objectively worse than it is now.

It’s a case of “this is why we can’t have nice things”, but it is what it is.


its your thread. you’re the one that brought up the trees in the first place. :joy:

if anything, you have only proven that they made the right choice.


The deserter keeps you from re-joining the same group, kicked or left.


Well, that’s not what’s being suggested, and keep in mind that there’s already a 15-minute cooldown for queued dungeons. You can see this when you kill the first boss of a dungeon and leave (you don’t get deserter for this) and find that you can’t queue up for anything until the cooldown timer in LFG expires. So either way, there’s a built-in cooldown that already would prevent people from requeuing immediately.

For context, I believe this was around wrath that they implemented it, right? And 9/10 times the dungeon in question was the occulus, because of the length, the vehicle portions and traversing in an open environment via player controlled flight. Also most people were just bad at the dungeon and using the dragons.

Considering we now have almost two decades of content to level in, and that only veterans can select wotlk and punish themselves with the occulus and the type of players who want specific dungeons are more likely to be the people who would skip heroic and go straight into m0 (in which they can select their own dungeon) or m+ (they can form their own group or join a specific one).

It could be possible to revisit the deserter buff in pve. Possibly.

Or just wait and see if ‘Delves’ fix it.

Yes… Because it’s the ridiculous, unwarranted kicks that lead to an unwarranted deserter debuff. I’m actually baffled that this is STILL hard for you to understand.

Yes I am a very matter of fact person. I’m not doing you any favors giving you diabetus sugar coating it and kissing your bruised ego.

I don’t think you were being malicious and “wasting” the crystals. Like I said, if I was in that group, I would have clicked no. I click no on nearly all vote kicks because being a left of bell curve in leveling/learning content should not be a crime.

Once again, deserter to booted people is just an unfortunate side effect that without opens back up a world where getting kicked becomes a tool used for trolling and for if people who want to bully groups into getting their way (not that I think there is any normal dungeon in retail obnoxious enough to actually not just be ran through vs actually trying to get groups to kick you penalty free).

Plus last I recall, and it could have changed or be different now, but it didn’t even apply deserter if you leave and/or are kicked after the 1st boss of a dungeon is dead anyway.

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but we’ve already established they arent unwarranted. im not sure what you arent getting here.

you were kicked for a reason. you got the debuff because you were kicked. everything has worked as intended.


Except I wasn’t, I shouldn’t have, and that’s not how it’s intended to work. If you think it is, then you actually believe Blizzard implemented a system with its sole purpose to troll other players. Tell me you’re not that dense.

Yeah, pvp is a different animal. Any changes should be first done to pve.

A kick requires 3 yes Votes, the person who made it and two others. It cannot be done by one person alone.


yes you were, you just didnt like the reason.

yes you should, those that are kicked get the debuff.

there are blue posts linked that say otherwise.

you werent trolled, you were removed from the group because others decided they didnt want to play with you. that’s democracy, not trolling.