Please just remove deserter

Hence why the system needs to change…? Someone even suggested a simple change that would fix this. We don’t need more willfully ignorant people like you telling griefers they’re allowed to keep bullying people, all because of their imaginary “reasons.”

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the system doesnt need to change though. its working as intended. it is intended that people can remove you from their groups if they choose to do so.


It’s intention is to let anyone decide that I’m done running dungeons for half an hour simply because they want to? Because that’s what’s happening.

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Rule 1 of pugging: Do what you are told
Rule 2 of pugging: Don’t stick out

You took it upon yourself to use a group resource without being ordered to. No matter how petty, this came with the risk that someone was going to notice and punish you for this.

Best practice if to use them on the portals after the 2nd boss since the last boss is fixed and stuff will happen fast enough it’s more or less safe anyway. Or just don’t touch them. A literal few seconds of time savings may not be worth the small risk.

Deserter existing and giving it to booted people is because the alternative is worse. This is just a fact. You weren’t here and/or remember the bad old days in Cata when tanks and sometimes healers (but mostly tanks) would sit at the entrance and/or zone out and auto attack training dummies to stay in combat and otherwise force groups to kick them if they got an unpleasant dungeon.


Except someone offered a different alternative that would help fix this. And why are you just assuming I wasn’t there? I’ve been playing WoW since 2005… Other people being annoying trolls doesn’t warrant anyone being allowed to eject anyone from dungeons for any length of time, simply because they felt like it. You’ve replaced one form of trolling with another.

you just proved it’s still relevant.


Tell me how I proved it? By speeding up a leveling dungeon? That’s why I was barred from playing for 30 minutes? Can you make that make sense?

the rest of the group found your actions undesirable.

you could’ve asked them, worked with them, been a part of the team. you chose to do the opposite.


yes, it is. i have been kicked maybe once or twice in my entire time playing. each group is a group effort. you need to be a team player.


I genuinely don’t get people like you. You do realize a more normal response exists, right? Such as asking me to not hit the crystals? Or, you know, realizing that we’re level 40 and everything dies in seconds anyway? I was a part of the team - I sped up the dungeon by killing packs instantly.

goes both ways.

it’s the end of the world you got kicked from a level 40 dungeon but they have to put up with you because it’s a level 40 dungeon.

it seems they expected from you exactly what you expected from them.

they just were more numerous.


Uh, I killed the packs instantly. I was speeding up the dungeon. I was helping the party, and for that, I was removed? Why can’t you see that your logic is ridiculous?

Regardless, if I was simply kicked, I wouldn’t care. It’s the fact that I was blocked from playing for 30 minutes BECAUSE of their childishness that’s an issue.

Tell me how anyone was “putting up” with me. I GENUINELY want an answer. You can’t actually believe speeding up the dungeon warrants being removed. Also, as I said in this same post, it’s not being kicked that’s the issue - it’s the unwarranted deserter debuff.

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The alternative is dumb at best. No punishments is no punishments. And deserter is hardly a punishment as is when you can just pop on a different toon and queue up.

And nobody can singularly remove someone from a dungeon. It takes at least a click from 3 or 4 others and in the world where it was 4 others, it LITERALLY is their group (or may as well be).

Again, the rules of pugging take priority here. Just be a silent cog in the wheel and know your place. I’ve leveled an account’s worth of toons and most via LFG. Very rarely did I ever say anything more than “hey” and just contributed to output and just with the herd otherwise. I literally don’t recall a single time getting kicked out of the blue (and if I have, it was so infrequent/unnoticeable to not be memorable).


I GENUINELY believe that if we would ask them what happened, they would have an equally self-entitled story about it.

you just happened to be the statue, not the pigeon this time.
you would’ve kicked them too if the vote came up for some non-reason. without even reading it.

The deserter debuff is a necessity due to degenerate player behavior. it didn’t use to be there, then it was added because it was needed. We’ve seen the game both ways and this is the better of the two.


No… This is the alternative I was talking about… There are still punishments, but it’s much less likely for innocent players to be blocked from running dungeons.

  1. you dont know what the goal of the party was, so therefore, you dont know if you helped them or not.
  2. there is strategy to using the crystals. certain packs are more worthy of a crystal than others are. it sounds like you didnt use them well if you just instantly used them on the first 3.

Yes I saw that. No punishment. If I’m voting on someone to be removed, they’ve got it coming and thus I want them punished. Personally, I’d make the debuff unable to use the LFG tool and it be account wide and persist through logging out (I’d add some kind of relevant activity metric too but I can’t think of one that also isn’t easily worked around).

But it takes someone being more than a left of bell curve, as in your case, to earn my votekick in the first place.

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How presumptuous of you. No, I wouldn’t.

Because you’re too lazy to read the rest of the posts, I quoted it just up above. There is a better alternative.

Your first mistake was thinking people should care about the mechanics in a faceroll level 40 dungeon. Your second mistake was assuming it actually matters which packs are killed in a faceroll level 40 dungeon. And for the record, all of them were the packs and not the single elite.

How pathetically self-righteous. Just because YOU think you’re a worthy judge of who needs to be kicked doesn’t mean everyone, including you, get to decide that a completely innocent person is done running dungeons solely because you thought it’d be funny. That’s a problem.

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it seems your mistake was thinking people dont care, hence why you were the one kicked, not me.


And, once again, I’ll remind you that the issue isn’t just being kicked. It’s the deserter buff. Stay on topic.