Please just remove deserter

Was extremely high and happened often.

If you think it takes one minute to get a new tank or healer these days… I have a bridge to sell you.

Take the debuff and move on.


The crystals should not be used until the 3rd round or if the water boss spawns. They benefit the most during the water boss because when they split its takes down the little water guys quick and makes the fight go quicker. Then if they haven’t been used by the 3rd round you can take down all the portal spawns and get to the end boss quicker


Yes, I know this. Hence why I used two total crystals, to speed things up a little bit. And regardless, it’s a leveling dungeon. The boss would be dead within 30 seconds anyway, and there were still crystals available just in case.

Except this already happens? Tanks/healers leave or are kicked, and the rest of the party has to wait. This is already a thing. What CAN be fixed is innocent people being disallowed from playing for no reason whatsoever.


And it takes a lot longer than one minute to get a tank or healer.

No one should have to deal with anyone taking groups hostage until they’re kicked. Period.

Again with the drama. You can play. Go do something else. And there was a reason, regardless of whether you like it or not.

Not even continuing this further.


When players got a dungeon they didn’t like, they would just troll the group until they were kicked. At the time, being kicked didn’t give deserter, so players were able to queue up immediately after in hopes of getting a dudgeon they did like.

This behavior was pretty widespread which is why Blizzard made the change.


Thank you for finding Vrak’s post. :slight_smile:


How did you just completely miss the point? Just…how?

No one should have to deal with that? Okay, that’s fine. Then no one should have to deal with being forced out of dungeons without a legitimate reason. Period.

No. There wasn’t a reason. It has nothing to do with “liking” it or not. Stop defending griefers. My primary way of playing right now is leveling alts in dungeons, and some jerk having the power to decide FOR me that I’m done playing is absurd. The system needs to be tweaked.

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I saw someone a while ago suggest a stacking deserter debuff.

1st debuff = no penalty but the debuff is there for 60 minutes

2nd stack = 15 minute penalty, refreshes debuff

3rd stack = 30 min, refreshes

4th = 24 hour deserter


The only tweak I’d make is don’t make the debuff visible to other players. It would just promote these people to see the debuff and instantly vote to kick them, just to lock them out because it’s funny. Otherwise, this is a really smart change, but I bet anything Sendryn will completely ignore it.


Agreed. There is 0 reason other players should need to see it.


But here’s a question for you… who gets to decide what is and is not a legitimate reason?

Yes, being votekicked sucks and it can seem unfair. Sometimes, it just is unfair.

The facts are this: The majority ruled and removed you from the group.

There is never going to be a system in place where all parties involved are going to be pleased.

I’m sorry you had a bad experience. Good luck in moving on!

Edit: For what it’s worth, I personally still think that deserter debuff should only apply to leavers. But Sendryn reminded me why it is the way it is, and the reasoning is valid. It’s to benefit the group at large, and not any one individual.


This is just straight up not true, and it isn’t true in way too many cases. The group did not decide to remove me for any reason, players just see a box show up and click yes just because. Plenty of people will tell you that this is their exact reason. Ultimately, ONE person threw up the vote, and it instantly had a 90% chance of passing because other players can’t be bothered to question it.

I disagree. Read what Warthinator said. That suggestion would GREATLY reduce the amount of griefing, while still making sure trolls are punished.

Eh. It seems like you have your fair share of burdens to bear, so I’mma just leave you to it. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors, whatever they may be! ~


I hear people saying this, but rarely is there any evidence.


I mean, you’ll never really get any evidence of someone’s reasoning. But I have had plenty of people tell me flat out, “I clicked yes because it was there.” Whether they’re telling the truth is another thing, all I can go off of is what they tell me.

but why wouldn’t they click no? no is also there.

they had a reason. you may disagree or dislike their reason, but that is sorta irrelevant here.


Because people are lazy and just assume there’s an actual reason, or they’re afraid that the tank will just stop playing if their kick doesn’t go through. Sounds ridiculous, but I’ve seen this happen too.

They really didn’t.


well those are their reasons then.

yes they did, you just told us their reasons.


No. We’re not dignifying their delusional way of thinking and calling them actual reasons. That’s justifying griefing, whether direct or due to their own ignorance.


they are actual reasons, whether you like them or not.

no such thing when it comes to VTK, you can be kicked from groups for any reason.